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horse Jill Henselwood And Toyz R Us Win The $25,000 HITS Ocala Grand Prix

Ocala, FL (March 7, 2003)—Jill Henselwood of Oxford Mills, Ontario, Canada, took the Grand Prix ring by storm, placing first and third in Thursday's $25,000 HITS Ocala Grand Prix. Henselwood claimed first place with Toyz R Us and third place with Cromwell. Both horses are owned by Juniper Farms Ltd. Mary-Lisa Leffler finished in second place with Graf Rossini S.

A field of twenty-nine horses attempted the 13-obstacle course designed by Leopoldo Palacios of Caracas, Venezuela. Eight horses had faultless first rounds and advanced to the shortened jump-off course. Henselwood was the only rider to post a double-clear round.

Henselwood and Toyz R Us were first to ride in the seven-fence jump-off. The pair set a blistering pace, leaving all the rails up in a time of 47.55 seconds. Their performance could not be matched by the next six riders. Manuel Torres was second in the order of go, accumulating 17 faults for two knockdowns and a time fault. Rory Hovell and Quell Damme Van De Heffinck also incurred a time fault, finishing their round with a total of five faults. Tracy Fenney on Grace, went fourth in the order. Fenney is enjoying an exceptional season at the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit, winning the last four $50,000 Grand Prix. Fenney finished her round with four faults in a time of 50.04 seconds which put her in fourth place. Mark Jungherr and Enterprise were fifth in the order, delivering a four fault performance in a time of 50.46 seconds. Jill Henselwood was next up on her second mount, Cromwell. The pair finished with four faults in a time of 49.20, giving them third place. Mary-Lisa Leffler looked as if she would topple the leader when she blazed through the course on Graf Rossinio S. Their time was good, but a knockdown at the final fence left them in second place. Callan Solem and Mianta finished out the field with a four fault performance in a time of 52.06 seconds putting them in sixth place.

Thursday's $50,000 HITS Ocala Grand Prix was a qualifying class for the New Marshall & Sterling League National Indoor Finals and the King Shavings U.S. Grand Prix League Invitational Finals. The indoor finals will be held at Worcester's Centrum Centre in Worcester, Massachusetts, September 17-21. The King Shavings U.S. Grand Prix League Finals will be held in Culpeper, Virginia, September 24-28. With the addition of the new Indoor Finals at Worcester's Centrum Centre, finals qualifiers will have the opportunity to compete in two $100,000 Grand Prix classes over two consecutive weeks.

The HITS Ocala Winter Circuit is now in its final week and show jumping will conclude on Sunday, March 9th with the Grand Finale of the circuit—the $100,000 Volvo Grand Prix.

$25,000 HITS Ocala Grand Prix - Thursday, March 6, 2003
HITS Ocala Winter Circuit V - Ocala, FL
Leopoldo Palacios, Caracas, Venezuela: Course Designer
Place Horse Rider Owner Prize Money Rd 1 Faults Rd 2 Faults JO Time

1st Toyz R Us Jill Henselwood Juniper Farms Ltd $7,500 0 0 47.55
2nd Graf Rossini S Mary-Lisa Leffler Bruce Chovnick LLC $5,500 0 4 46.98
3rd Cromwell Jill Henselwood Juniper Farms LTD $3,250 0 4 49.20
4th Grace Tracy Fenney Hidden Lakes Farm $2,000 0 4 50.04
5th Enterprise Mark Jungherr R A Francoeur $1,500 0 4 50.46
6th Mianta Callan Solem Quiet Winter Farm / Redfield Farm $1,250 0 4 52.06
7th Quelle Damme Van De Heffinck Rory Hovell Rory Hovell $1,000 0 5 60.63
8th Manuel Torres Malibu Tucker Stern $750 0 17 68.04
9th Promised Land Derek Petersen Derek / Anita Petersen $750 0 4
10th VDL Mercedes Summer Bruington Summer Bruington $500 0 4
11th Lavendel Andre Thieme Redfield Farm LLC $500 0 4
12th S&L Willie Tracy Fenney Tracy Fenney $500 0 4



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