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"Trimming with Nancy Filbert CSHS"

Nancy Filbert was one of the first Certified Strasser Hoof Care Specialists in the United States. She had the benefit of studying at Dr. Strasser's Hoof Clinic in Germany and is a devoted Trim Specialist. Nancy also has incredible teaching abilities and makes the trim process much more transparent. Join us Friday for the basics and Saturday for "hands-on" trim experiences (you must participate in Friday's session to bring a horse on Saturday). Bring your tools and an open mind.

Barefoot Trim Workshop

May 16 and 17, 2003 (Friday and Saturday)

Start at 9 AM Friday

This is a short course about the “why’s” and “how-to’s” of the natural barefoot trim.

You may bring your own horse with you or just come and practice on bio-specimens. You also may just come and audit.

Please bring your own hoof knives, a farrier apron, a rasp and gloves. Nippers are optional. We recommend F.Dick knives.

Try to read Dr. Strasser’s “A Lifetime of Soundness” and “Shoeing, a Necessary Evil?” before the clinic; both available at


Participants: Friday only $ 85.00

Participants with own horse Friday and Saturday: $ 195.00 (includes stabling – bring your own hay and grain)

Auditors (no trimming) Friday only: $ 60.00 Saturday only: 50.00 Both days: $ 100.00

Lunch will be available from Subway Friday and Domino's Pizza Saturday (you pay, we pick up) or you may bring your own

For application please go to our website. We are looking forward to having you.

Please send in your applications (and payment information or check) soon, as we will only accept a limited number of participants to ensure individual attention. Thank you.

Charles and Claudia Garner
Horrell Hill Dressage and Trailer Sales Center
300 Saddlemount Drive
Hopkins SC 29061
Toll-free 888-567-8898
Local and Canada: 803-776-6493


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