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Lusitano Stallions To Visit Britain

The Lusitano Stallions of The Portuguese School of Equestrian Art are to make a flying visit to Britain when they will be putting on just four performances of a unique show at Solihull Equestrian Centre, nr Birmingham from 11th-13th July.

The one off show, which is being staged over the period of the annual Heart of England Lusitano Show, will give everyone the chance to see this beautiful and ancient breed being shown in their true classical style.

The two-hour performances will include 18 Stallions from the Alter Stud under the direction of their world famous leader Filipe Graciosa who will be demonstrating haute ecole movements and highlighting the exceptional courage, agility, intelligence and training of the Lusitano horse. The Lusitano was bred for centuries to be an agile warhorse for up-close, hand-to-hand fighting. Latterly the Lusitano was bred to hunt the fierce Iberian wild bull and is now one of the symbols of Portugal.

Filipe Graciosa leading The Portugese School of Equestrian Art

The performances will be supported by a driving display from Claudia Bunn and circus high school and party tricks by the Asoka Classical Stud. For a complete change from horses, the performances will also enjoy a display by Attila Szkukalek and his dog Fly who will give a display of Heelwork to Music – the canine equivalent of dressage to music.

As an added bonus, those coming for the performances will also be able to enjoy The Lusitano Breed Society (GB) Ltd. breed and showing classes for Pure and Part bred Lusitanos, along with dressage, show jumping and the Portuguese Working Equitation and Riding Horse classes.

Tickets are from £20 and are available by ringing the box office on 01858 525 336, by faxing 01858 525 140 or e-mail to


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