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Matt Ryan Takes a Dive for Charity!

Matt Ryan, Triple Olympic Gold Medallist, Three-Day Eventer is used to taking dives from horses over the years, but jumping out of an airplane is a completely different game.

On 13th April 2003 at The Royal Airforce Sport Parachute Association at RAF Weston on the Green in Oxfordshire, Matt will sky dive to raise money for the Mark Davies Injured Riders Fund.

This is no ordinary jump. Matt will jump from 10,000ft and free fall through the air down to 5,000ft where the parachute will be deployed and Matt will drift gracefully to safety.

Matt won't be on his own - he will be harnessed to a professional parachute instructor, helping him complete a staggering two mile high tandem skydive!

And Matt will be achieving an life-time ambition of his.

'I've always wanted to ski-dive and when I read about it in Eventing Magazine, I just knew I wanted to do it!

I have raised money for the Mark Davies Injured Riders Fund before and so already have a connection with them. Realistically, we all know one day we could need their help - they've helped friends of mine before.

I'm really excited. It's an incredible opportunity that I can do, whilst raising money for a charity that is very close to my heart.'

Matt needs your help. He needs to raise sponsorship money in order to take part in this fantastic event. To sponsor Matt to risk his life for charity, please call Armadillo to pledge your support. All donations will be in aid of the Mark Davies Injured Riders Fund.

Contact Armadillo Products Tel: 01980 629796
Or email Matt on


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