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horse Laura Kraut Wins $10,000 Classic Hosted by JustWorld International

Wellington, Florida – American Olympian Laura Kraut topped an international field to win the $10,000 1.50 meter Classic, Hosted by JustWorld International, during the CSIO**** United States Cosequin Finale in Wellington, FL, on Saturday, March 13, 2004. JustWorld International is a not-for-profit, humanitarian organization founded in 2002 to prepare and empower students to become visionary leaders and work for social justice.

Four riders bested the tough track set by course designer Jose Gamarra of Bolivia to advance to the shortened jump-off. The first rider into the ring, Norman Dello Joio of Wellington, FL, posted a second clear round in the jump-off riding Peace Train. His time of 38.06 seconds held as fellow American Schuyler Riley clocked in at 39.44 seconds riding South Beach Stables’ Nottingham. Canada’s Chris Pratt of Terra Cotta, ON, gave it his best shot aboard Susan Grange’s Rivendell, a nine-year-old Westphalian gelding, but one rail down ended his bid for the win.

The final rider into the ring, Sydney Olympian Laura Kraut pulled out all the stops to shave almost two full seconds off of Dello Joio’s time, clocking in at 36.30 seconds.

“I knew I had to go all out to catch Norman’s time, but I had no idea I had gone so fast,” said Kraut of Oconomowoc, WI. “My mare is a little small and has a very short, choppy stride, so sometimes you feel like you are going faster than you actually are. I really was surprised, my horse is amazing!”

Kraut was aboard Joyous, a 10-year-old bay Holsteiner mare owned by the Summit Partners. One week earlier, Kraut and Joyous finished as the runner-ups in the same competition.

Ireland’s Kevin Babington, one of JustWorld International’s rider representatives, also enjoyed a clear trip with Sydney but one time fault for exceeding the 77-second time allowed kept him out of the jump-off. Georgina Bloomberg of New York, NY, posted the fastest four fault round riding Nadia to finish in sixth position.

Working in partnership with Stadium Jumping Inc., organizers of the Winter Equestrian Festival, JustWorld International was proud to host the final 1.50 meter Classic competition of the Wellington Equestrian Festival winter circuit.

“We saw a great field of international competitors in the JustWorld competition today,” noted Newman, 28, who retired from grand prix competition in order to concentrate her efforts on JustWorld International following her experience working with street children in Honduras. “I am so excited to see how this came together, and three of the top six riders have already committed to donating a portion of their earnings to JustWorld. I also think that instead of the usual idea of competing against each other, we saw how this competition could help to bring people together.”

“We would like to give special thanks to Gene Mische and the wonderful staff at Stadium Jumping who have been so supportive of our efforts and have allowed us to use their world-class event to showcase the efforts of JustWorld International,” added Newman.

Every competitor in the ‘Jump for a Just World’ event was given a JustWorld t-shirt and many gave a portion of their prize money to JustWorld International. In recognition of her victory, JustWorld International Executive Director Jessica Newman presented Kraut with a cooler and trophy.

“It is nice to know that Jessica and her organization is doing all of this work in order to help others, and it does make the win more special,” noted Kraut.

Following the competition, Belle Herbe Farm hosted a reception in honor of the international riders, trainers, owners and sponsors participating in the CSIO event. At its first JustWorld International fundraising event, a ‘Jump for a Just World’ Training Show held in January, over $97,000 was raised in support of the organization.

JustWorld International offers fellowship programs for students from around the globe to learn leadership skills, the tools that they can use to make a positive difference in the world. With seven project sites already located in such underprivileged nations as Cambodia, Rwanda and Chile and several other project sites awaiting funding, students have the opportunity to work for change in a wide variety of environments on behalf of JustWorld International.

For further information on JustWorld International, please visit

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“Laura Kraut receives the ‘Jump for a Just World’ Trophy from JustWorld International Executive Director, Jessica Newman.”
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