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Mundole Equestrian Results for Dressage and Showjumping 6 and 7 March 04

Mundole Equestrian had a busy weekend with large entries in Dressage and Showjumping. The Dressage on the previous Sunday had to be cancelled due to snow. Avril Johnston from Rafford was in sparkling form as ever winning the first Preliminary class with Karen Maclennan's Ziggy and Novice 29 with Willa. Elaine Taylor who has recently taken on the running of Seaforth Equestrian in Ross-shire won both Elementary classes. Sue Jardine, from Grantown and Minette Maclennan from Ross-shire are battling it out in the Dressage league with Sue just holding the lead by one point. Gill Teft from Marybank is in third place just ahead of Sue Jardine on her own horse, Utrillo. The league has generated a great deal of interest and next week-end will be the last time to pick up points. Raymond Strachan at Ladymire has provided trophies in this hotly contested competition.

Prelim 4 1 Avril Johnston (Ziggy) 2 Claire Proctor (Bouncer) 3 Michelle Chalmers (Juno) Prelim 18 1 Sue Jardine (Shelt) 2 Michelle Chalmers (Juno) 3 Minette Maclennan (Maximum Impact) Novice 29 1 Avril Johnston (Willa) 2 Elisabeth Leslie (Chatterbox) 3 Minette Maclennan (Maximum Impact) Novice 21 1 Elisabeth Leslie (Chatterbox) 2 Avril Johnston (Willa) 3 Jenny Davidson (Varis Minnie) Elementary 52 1 Elaine Taylor (Castle Blaney) 2 Sue Jardine (Utrillo) 3 Avril Johnston (Suzannie) Elementary 41 1 Elaine Taylor (Castle Blaney) 2 Avril Johnston (Suzannie) 3 Michelle Chalmers (Jo)

The Mundole Showjumping league continues with the two Mitchell sisters, Jayne and Tracy, from Aberlour dominating. Jayne leads with 39 points in front of Rebecca Garner on Quantum Leap, 33 and Tracy with 31. The final will be in April at the Mundole Spring Show. Four riders qualified for the Black Isle Show's Highland Amateur Final - Avril Johnston with Willa and Ziggy, Emma Wylie, Marcomio and Diana McChesney, Blind Fury.

0.45 1 Yvonne Adkinson (Nevada) 2 Phoebe Rainy Brown (Pitland Native Charmer) 3 Tammy Gilyeat (Rosebay Kofianna) 0.60 1 Kara White (Western Angel) 2 Fiona Boyd (Waccabuc Condor) 3 Jayne Mitchell (Clova) 0.70 1 Lindsay Sharp (Swansong) 2 Mandy Bullen (Western Angel) 3 Anne Marie Chalmers (Dunchovny) 0.80 1 Marion Maclennean (Cocktail Party) 2 Celia McGough (Kianna II) 3 Katy Beck (Khalifa) Highland Amateur Qualifier 1 Avril Johnston (Willa) 2 Avril Johnston (Ziggy) 3 Emma Wylie (Marcomio) 1.00m 1 Avril Johnston (Independent Archie) 2 Jenny Davidson (Hughie) 3 Jenny Davidson (Varis Minnie) 1.10m 1 Claire Miller (Mali) 2 Michelle Chalmers (Jo) 1.20 1 Avril Johnston (Suzannie) 2 Jenny Davidson (Hughie) 3 Avril Johnston (Independent Archie) 4 Jenny Davidson (Varis Minnie)


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