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Bud Light Goes For Three-Peat In $25,000 International Cup At Royal Palm Polo

BOCA RATON, FL – Two-time defending champion Bud Light knows it has a bulls-eye on their jerseys as Billy Busch’s team goes for a three-peat in the $25,000 USPA International Cup against Henley House Sunday at 3 p.m. at Royal Palm Polo.

“We haven’t lost a game in this tournament in two years and the pressure is on us,” said Busch, who has scored four goals in two games in 2004. “In a single-elimination tournament every game is important, but we’ve risen to the challenge. Every team plays a little harder to try to knock us out.”

Bud Light defeated C Spear 10-9 in the 2003 final and beat San Antonio 13-7 in the 2002 final. Bud Light defeated Graymar Farm 10-9 in overtime in the quarterfinals and beat C Spear 10-8 in the semifinals.

Bud Light is led by 7-goaler Pablo Spinacci, who has scored a team-high nine goals. Busch, a 4-goaler, and 6-goaler Joey Casey, have four goals apiece while 1-goaler Inaki Laprida has scored three goals.

Henley House is led by Francisco Lanusse and Ruben Sola.

Bud Light is also entered in the 20-goal Monty Waterbury Cup, which begins next week at Royal Palm Polo.


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