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Saddletech Releases The New And Improved Saddletech Gauge MK I I

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: WOODSIDE, CA: March 12, 2004: To determine if a saddle FITS a horse's back, the laws of geometry require the comparison of all three (3) dimensions, of both surfaces, in relationship to each other. Unfortunately, saddles are not measured in three-dimensions. There is Gullet Width and Seat Length, but there are no standardized three-dimensional measurements to be able to relate the curvature of the horses backs to the shapes of saddles. This lack of an accurate calibrated measurement method is the reason why Equestrians have such difficulty finding a saddle to FIT their horse.

To solve this challenge SADDLETECH has just released a new and improved MK I I edition of the CLASSIC SADDLETECH GAUGE that was originally released in 1997. The SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I is a simple mechanical instrument that permits the polyform of the shape of horse's back and corresponding saddle to be defined by angles and arcs, providing the three-dimensional measurements required to determine saddle FIT, accurately.

In practice, it is a rather simple device to use. By adjusting the SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I to the curvature of the horse's back the SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I can then be placed inside the saddle to determine the best possible FIT.

For even greater accuracy, by adjusting the wither and loin ARC by the amount determined by the SADDLETECH WEIGHT COMPENSATION FORMULA, the appropriate amount of ROCK in the saddle can be determined for different weight horses and riders, thereby compensating for the effect of gravity. For additional accuracy, the new SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I has new instrumentation that provides for the measurement of the scapula or saddle pocket. New laser engraved angle and arc graduations significantly improve the ease of use of the new SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I.

The SADDLETECH WEIGHT COMPENSATION FORMULA can be CALIBRATED or its ACCURACY VERIFIED by using the new and improved SADDLETECH PRESSURE MAPPING SYSTEM MK I I , that was originally released in 1992, that dynamically measures the actual pressure exerted by the saddle and rider on the horse's back, either on the rail or on the trail. By using the SADDLETECH GAUGE Mk I I and the SADDLETECH PRESSURE MAPPING SYSTEM MK I I together, a feedback loop is created so that the "scientific method" may be employed to establish an EVIDENCE BASED SADDLE FITTING METHOD. (U.S.PATENT # 6,334,262)

In all the discussions about saddle fitting, it is often forgotten that a saddle maker, sooner or later, must actually build or adjust the saddle to a three-dimensional shape. However, how can you define that shape, without measurement? The truth is, baling wire, cardboard tracing, plaster casts, or thermoforms do not have numerical values. Without numerical values, there is NO METHOD to RELATE, CALIBRATE or VALIDATE that these methods are accurate and can compensate for gravitational forces. So any determination of Saddle Fit using such methods maybe an opinionated guess, but it is not a calibrated measurement method.

Equestrians, Veterinarians, Saddle Makers and Tack shops all need to define the three-dimensional shape of the horse’s back as well as the three-dimensional shape of the saddle to be able to determine if the saddle FITS the horse. By employing a standard calibrated numerical measurement, many opportunities are provided:

1. Calibrated measurement permits any Equestrian to easily determine the FIT of an individual saddle for an individual horse's back.
2. Calibrated measurement permits the horse's back measurements to be used to SEARCH measured saddle databases to find a saddle that FITS
3. Calibrated measurement permits Veterinarians to write saddle fitting measurement prescriptions to increase performance or avoid injury.
4. Calibrated measurement permits calibrated adjustable jigs to be used to standardize quality control in the saddle manufacturing process.
5. Calibrated measurement permits calibrated Saddle Orthotics to be custom made to adjust for poorly fitting saddles.
6. Calibrated measurement permits the saddle to be readjusted to refit the horse as its back changes over time.
7. Calibrated measurement permits the "scientific method" to be employed to validate the measurement method.
8. Calibrated measurement permits valid clinical trial protocols to be developed for saddle gait performance research
9. Calibrated measurement permits the establishment of a United States Saddle Standard to facilitate compliance with Federal Regulations

By using a standard calibrated numerical measurement, an equestrian, a veterinarian, a tack shop owner, a saddle distributor, a saddle maker, and a saddle-tree maker - all can “objectively” describe the three-dimensional shape of the horse’s back and corresponding saddle - so that a relationship called FIT can be determined and most importantly agreed upon by employing mathematics.


Contact: Robert Ferrand, Phone: 650 - 631 - 8400 or e-mail:


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