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Polo, Pomp Highlight The C.V. Whitney Cup Polo Tourney At International Polo Club Palm Beach

WELLINGTON, Florida – A full day of polo, pomp and circumstance highlighted the activities during the quarterfinals of the prestigious C.V. Whitney Cup polo tournament Sunday at the International Polo Club Palm Beach.

More than 275 guests enjoyed a pre-game bountiful buffet in the Grand Marquee, catered by The Breakers. The on-field festivities began with the parade of polo players to midfield, led by 13-year-old Maggie Boyle carrying the American flag. Jonathan Panks sang the national anthem. Kathy Foster, president of Junior Achievement and the first mayor of the Village of Wellington, handled the pre-game coin toss with aplomb.

The club’s now traditional halftime champagne divot stomp continued as four HUMMERS, the official vehicle of International Polo Club Palm Beach, raced onto the field to dispense the bubbly and a large crowd gathered to watch a performance by the South Florida Mustang Club.

Village of Wellington councilwoman Laurie Cohen, along with Gil Johnston, matriarch of the winning Bendabout foursome, presented prizes to the teams during the post-match ceremonies. Carroll Goodman, wife of Isla Carroll patron John Goodman, presented the MVP award to Miguel Novillo Astrada of Bendabout.

On the field, 10-goaler Adam Snow scored on a 10-yard neck shot 91 seconds into overtime to lift Bendabout over Isla Carroll 12-11 in a quarterfinal match of the 26th annual C.V. Whitney Cup 26-goal polo tournament.

Bendabout scored the final three goals in regulation, the last one a 60-yard penalty shot by 10-goaler Miguel Novillo Astrada with 2:54 remaining, to tie the game at 11-11. Bendabout had two excellent chances to win the game in regulation, but Memo Gracida backed away a ball near the goal line with 1:28 left and Astrada sent a forehand wide with 20 seconds remaining. Snow finished with a team-high six goals while Astrada finished with five and Johnston scored one. Alejandro Novillo Astrada did not score.

Thirteen teams entered the tournament, which is a prelude to the Stanford Financial Group – 100th U.S. Open Polo Championship, the most prestigious polo tournament in North America. The C.V. Whitney Cup final is slated for Sunday, March 21 at 3 p.m. at the International Polo Club Palm Beach stadium.

The tournament is named in memory of Cornelius Vanderbilt “Sonny” Whitney, who along with his brother John Hay Whitney, were important polo patrons in the 1930's. The son of Hall of Fame patron Harry Payne Whitney, C.V. won the U.S. Open three times (twice against his brother), and was a renowned owner and breeder of thoroughbred racehorses.

The C.V. Whitney Cup championship game is Sunday (March 21) at 3 p.m. High-goal polo action continues every Sunday at 3 p.m. The polo game and a delicious Sunday brunch catered by The Breakers is open to the public. Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling (561) 204-5687 or visiting the club’s website at Tickets are also available at the gate on the day of the game.

International Polo Club Palm Beach is located at 3667 120th Avenue South, between Lake Worth Road and Pierson Road, in Wellington.


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