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The first event for the public that AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corporation has planned is "A Day at the Races". At this time we would like to invite, and welcome, one and all to join us in making this day a huge success for the Thoroughbred, America's Horse!

AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corporation would like to take just a moment to present you with our upcoming event:

"A Day At The Races"

"A DAY AT THE RACES" A Day At The Races is a fundraiser to support AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corporation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized for the betterment of Thoroughbreds after their racing careers are over. A Day At The Races will be the first of a series of fundraising events to get AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corp. off to a running start and earn enough money to allow those of us who care the means in which to carry out this labor of love.

Please join us for Fun, Festivities, and Fast Horses on Saturday, April 27, 2002, from 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Turf Club at Bay Meadows Race Course, located at 2600 South Delaware Street in San Mateo, CA.

Ticket prices are $40.00, which includes admission, entrance to the Turf Terrace, full buffet, free parking and a DAY OF FUN! Please help us support the retired racehorse. Even if you don't live in the area, you're still more than welcome to make donations to AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corp. in an effort to show your support.

For either donations or tickets, please make checks payable to AmaDon Hills Thoroughbred Corporation. For further information and ticket sales please contact:

Ingrid A. Moore, Executive Vice President
at 408-313-4725 or 408-749-8300


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