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New Horse Advertising Section in American Cowboy

Buffalo, Wyoming, April 9, 2002 -- American Cowboy magazine announces a new advertising section called The Stable that will be devoted to horse products & services.

The Stable will appear beginning with the July/August 2002 issue of American Cowboy magazine. The new advertising section will provide a targeted place for equine-related products and services including: tack and equipment, production sales, health care, gifts and accessories, animal science/schools/education, breeders and production operations and facilities.

Each issue of American Cowboy is packed with horse and ranching-related stories such as trailriding, trainers, horsemanship, real working ranch cowboys -- including their livestock and their horses, and more. American Cowboy keeps its "cowboys" connected to the West each issue. "With over 82% of our readership living in rural areas and our editorial focusing on the issues related to these "cowboys," the necessity to incorporate an advertising section that would provide our *readership with the equine-related products and services that they need and request was evident," says Sandy Bales, Advertising Director.

American Cowboy magazine is an award-winning, bi-monthly Western lifestyle publication that reflects the traditional ways of the rancher plus the new prosperity and changing lifestyles of the baby boomers that are attracted to the Western way of life. The American "cowboy" personifies "something for everyone," says Bill Bales, Publisher, through the cowboy's ideals -- the underlying message of the magazine -- of honesty, independence, self-sufficiency, hard work and pioneering spirit.

Horse-related businesses are supported each issue with the horse and ranching-related stories. To receive more information on American Cowboy please call 800-369-0196 or visit

*Based on total paid and non-paid circulation of 110,658 with a 3 reader per copy average (ABC Publisher's Statement, December 31, 2001; 1998 Reader Survey).



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