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Charities Benefit From Author's Show Of Support For Industry

Author Raymond S. Paulick donates compensation for writing “Sunday Silence” to Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation and Central KY Riding for the Handicapped

LEXINGTON, KY, April 4, 2002 - Raymond S. Paulick, Editor-in-Chief of The Blood-Horse magazine and author of the recently released book Sunday Silence has “put his money where his mouth is” in a show of support for the Thoroughbred industry. Paulick expressed his support by recently donating his entire compensation for writing Sunday Silence to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation and to Central Kentucky Riding for the Handicapped.

“Ray’s decision to waive an author’s fee for Sunday Silence is a gesture more people in the Thoroughbred business should emulate,” commented Jacqueline Duke, Editor of Eclipse Press, publisher of Sunday Silence. “It’s encouraging to see someone give rather than ask or expect. Ray’s donation of his fee to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation and Central Kentucky Riding for the Handicapped helps both horse and human.”

Sunday Silence is the 12th installment in Eclipse Press’ Thoroughbred Legends Series published by Eclipse Press, which chronicles the lives of some of the greatest racehorses of the 20th Century, and those who were involved with their rise to the top. Sunday Silence is now available at bookstores for $24.95, or can be purchased online at

Eclipse Press is a division of Blood-Horse Publications, publisher of The Blood-Horse, the leading international weekly Thoroughbred racing and breeding information magazine. Blood-Horse Publications also publishes The Horse, a monthly equine health care magazine; TBH MarketWatch, a twice-monthly newsletter for Thoroughbred investors; Equine Images, a quarterly equine art enthusiast’s magazine; the official Kentucky Derby and Breeders’ Cup souvenir magazines; and Keeneland magazine. In addition, Blood-Horse Publications also operates Exclusively Equine, its e-commerce and mail-order catalogue division; and a family of leading Web sites including,, and


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