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The Calumet Collection Showcases a Golden Dynasty

Lexington, KY (April, 2001) Eclipse Press announces the publication of The Calumet Collection: A History of the Calumet Trophies.

The legendary Calumet Farm dominated horse racing during the first half of the 20th century. Calumet’s horses won more than 500 trophies over five decades a feat that will never be duplicated. Their exploits included a record eight Kentucky Derby victories and two Triple Crowns. The trophies are on permanent display at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington thanks to concerned fans in Kentucky and across the country who helped raise money to keep the trophies from the auction block.

As a tribute to a bygone era in Thoroughbred racing, The Calumet Collection highlights some of these magnificent trophies and the horses that won them. Color photographs of important trophies, such as the Woodlawn Vase, the Jockey Club Gold Cup, and the Diamond Jubilee Kentucky Derby cup, are featured as well as historic photographs of Calumet’s champions. The book also contains a foreword by longtime Calumet secretary Margaret Glass.

Authors Judy Marchman and Tom Hall are assistant editors at Eclipse Press. Both have a deep appreciation for the history of Thoroughbred racing and of Calumet Farm. They live in Lexington, Kentucky.

Published by Eclipse Press, April 2002.
ISBN: 1-58150-077-7
Pages: 112; Bound Size: 6 x 9
Retail price: $16.95 Softcover

Will be available at your local bookstore or from Exclusively Equine
1-800-582-5604 (

Distributed to bookstores by National Book Network
1-800-462-6420 (

Eclipse Press is a division of The Blood-Horse, Inc., publishers of The Blood-Horse; The Horse; TBH MarketWatch; Keeneland magazine; Equine Images; the official Kentucky Derby and Breeders’ Cup souvenir magazines; and an array of books, videos, CD-ROMs, and annual references. The Blood-Horse, Inc. also operates The Blood-Horse Interactive on the web (, The Horse Interactive (, Eclipse Press (, Thoroughbred Legends (, Keeneland Magazine (, The HayNet (, and Exclusively Equine (

Copyright 2002, The Blood-Horse, Inc. All rights reserved. The Blood-Horse, The Horse, and TBH MarketWatch are registered trademarks of The Blood-Horse, Inc.


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