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The FEI Federation Equestre Internationale News

4 April 2002

- FEI Technical Delegates in Athens
- FEI Gandini Jumping Rankings
- FEI BCM Dressage Rankings
- World Cup Jumping Situation in the leagues
- New Eventing World Cup Working Group
- New sections on the FEI website

Athens 2004 Olympic Games
FEI Technical Delegates’ Coordination visit to Athens – 25-28 March 2002

The FEI Technical Delegates (Mr Leopoldo Palacios, Mr Michael Etherington-Smith) and Veterinary Delegate (Prof. Leo Jeffcott) together with the Course Designers for Jumping (Mr Olaf Petersen) and Eventing (Mr Albino Garbari), and FEI Consultant (Mr Giuseppe Della Chiesa), the 1st Vice President (Mr Freddy Serperi) and the Manager of the Olympic Department had a very constructive visit last week in Athens.

The Olympic Equestrian venue is currently being constructed at Markopoulo with the plan to leave a major legacy to Greek Equestrian sport after the Games. The venue will be adjacent to the new Athens Hippodrome that will accommodate 2000 racehorses.

Important works including the clearing of the Cross Country track for the Test event, start of the main Grand stand construction, and earthworks for the separate racecourse have commenced.

The most important issue discussed with the Organising Committee (ATHOC) during the week was the Masterplan for the Equestrian venue. The FEI made some proposals for modifications to the venue to improve its operational and functionality and to reduce the overall costs of construction.

There was also a very firm recommendation from the FEI Delegates to ensure total separation of the racehorses from the Olympic horses during the Olympic Games. They were also concerned about the tight time lines for the completion of the venue and the Test Event in August 2003.

The FEI Delegates also strongly emphasized the importance of the footing in the competition arenas. They recommended the appointment of a recognized footing expert in International Equestrian Sports to assist in ensuring that the footing is up to FEI standards.

The FEI Delegates much appreciated the cooperation of ATHOC and the helpful atmosphere in which all the meetings were held.

FEI Gandini World Jumping Rankings

Undisputed leader of the rankings, Ludger Beerbaum (GER) kept the pole position for the 15th consecutive month. He recuperated more than the points he was dropping from March 2001 and leads the rankings with 3149 points.

Thanks to her excellent performance in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NED) where she earned 150 points, and her good score in Dortmund (GER) and at CSIO Wellington (USA), Leslie Howard (USA) went up from 18th to 11th position. She is the best Lady Rider and the leading North American rider. Her fellow countrywoman Beezie Madden Patton, went down six places and is now 20th.

The Swiss Willi Melliger, who is slowly recovering from his back problems and didn’t participate to competitions outside of Switzerland in March, could not recuperate the points he dropped from March last year and went down from 8th to 10th place.

Otto Becker (GER) earned some 100 points in Paris Bercy (FRA) and some 150 in Dortmund, and went up from 22nd to 15th place.

FEI BCM World Dressage Rankings

The World Cup Champion Ulla Salzgeber (GER) leads the rankings with an improved 79.848 points (compared to 79.526 last month). Her runner-up in the recent World Cup Final in ‘s-Hertogenbosch Lars Petersen (DEN) remains second with 78.500.

Two new entries in the Top Ten of the rankings: Beatriz Ferrer-Salat, went up from 13th to 9th place. After having led the Western European World Cup standings, she achieved a 2nd place in the Grand Prix and 3rd in the Final in ‘s-Hertogenbosch Final. She also demonstrated her talents in Paris-Bercy, where she won the Kür. Jan Brink (SWE) is the second new rider to enter the Top 10. He was 5th in the Grand Prix of the World Cup Final and 6th in the Kür.

World Cup Jumping: Situation In The Leagues

In the 2001 / 2002 season there are 12 Leagues in the FEI World Cup Jumping.

Eleven Leagues have ended their qualifications:

- Central Europe, Central Asia, Canada, South Africa, South East Asia, Japan South America, Australia, New Zealand, USA West Coast and USA East Coast.

One League is still going: Western Europe

The proposed league in the Middle East did not materialise.


Central European League (4 qualified)

133 riders from 18 countries started in the 14 competitions of the Central European League. Podebrady in the Czech Republic had to be cancelled for economic reasons. Robert Chelberg, an American living in Prag for several years was the League winner, and is qualified for the Final as an extra. The three other Central European riders qualified are Jozsef Turi of Hungary, Jacek Zagor of Poland and Petr Dolezal of the Czech Republic. The latter had the same number of points as Guntars Silins of Latvia, but better high placings. All four are expected to compete in the World Final in Leipzig.

  Qualified horses
- Robert Chelberg USA Aktiv
- Jozsef Turi HUN Nightlife, Superville, Dani
- Jacek Zagor POL Era GSM Elf
- Petr Dolezal CZE Beach Girl
1st Reserve : Guntars Silins LAT Pasaka, Salana-Radiant
2nd Reserve : Grzegorz Kubiak POL Orkisz, Diane des Fontenis

Central Asian League (1 qualified)

20 riders from Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and Kazakhstan competed in the three competitions in the three capital cities of Tashkent, Bishkek and Almaty. Gairat Nazarov of Uzbekistan was the League winner, ahead of his countryman Aziz Sadykov. Nazarov is planning to compete in the World Final Leipzig.

  Qualified horses
Gairat Nazarov UZB Arslan
Reserve : Aziz Sadykov UZB Karamashal

Canadian League (3 qualified)

Twenty riders, mostly Canadians, but also four Mexicans, two Columbians and Yann Candele, French living in Canada, competed in the six competitions of the Canadian League. Jill Henselwood won the League ahead of Eric Lamaze and newcomer Melissa Brown. All three are expected to compete in the World Final in Leipzig.

  Qualified horses
- Jill Henselwood CAN Toys Rus
- Eric Lamaze CAN Millcreek Raphael, Rosina
- Melissa Brown CAN Karolusk
1st Reserve: Heather Manbert-Seniuk CAN Just Julia
2nd Reserve: Mac Cone CAN Cocu

South African League (1 qualified)

Five competitions have been held, with twenty South African riders participating. Karen van der Burgh won the League with 38 points ahead of Barry Taylor and Lynne Piercy with 35 points each. Taylor, the winner in Midrand, has the higher placings and is, therefore, Reserve rider.

  Qualified horses
- Karen van der Burgh RSA Steven James
Reserve : Barry Taylor RSA Astor, Sunday Eagle, Manolia

South East Asian League (1 qualified)

Twenty riders from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines competed in the five competitions of the South East Asian League. Four of the competitions were held on three different sites in Kuala Lumpur and one in Singapore. Qabil Ambak, the younger of the two sons of Haji Mohamed Fathil, won the League.

  Qualified horses
- Qabil Ambak MAS Red Cloud, Camellias
Reserve : Peter Abisheganadan SIN Chakwal, Une des Pipet

Japan League (1 qualified)

Twenty riders competed in the four competition of the Japan League. Ryuma Hirota is the League winner, ahead of Seiji Ninomiya and last years Finalist, Chieko Yamaguchi. Hirota rode in the 1996 Final in Geneva and is planning to compete in Leipzig.

  Qualified horses
- Ryuma Hirota JPN Sakura
Reserve : Seiji Ninomiya JPN Survival

South American League – Southern Part (2 qualified)

Of the eight competitions the one in Buenos Aires-Aleman had to be cancelled and
Sao Paulo had to be postponed by 1 month because of an outbreak of Equine Influenza. Vitor Alves Teixeira (BRA), the winner of 3 of the 7 competitions (Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro) is the League winner with 65 points ahead of Bernardo Naveillan (CHI) with 50 points, Joaquin Larrain, also Chile and Matias Albarracin of Argentina. 61 riders from Brazil, Argentina and Chile competed.

  Qualified horses
- Vitor Alves Teixeira BRA Jolly Boy, Curioso, Astre Vert
- Bernardo Naveillan CHI Rexola Z Freire, Rexola Z Exono
1st Reserve: Joaquin Larrain CHI Main Leap, Sta Monica
2nd Reserve: Matias Albarracin ARG Ultimo Americano, Susurarando

Australian League (2 qualified)

Sixteen Competitions were held in Australia. Two events had to be cancelled: Caboolture in Queensland and Canberra in the Capital City, both for economic reasons. Vicki Roycroft with 155 points is the league winner, ahead of Ron Easy (145 points), Greg Smith (137 points), Brad Frankum (113 points) and Janelle Waters (99 points). Vicki Roycroft will compete in the World Final in Leipzig.

  Qualified horses
- Vicki Roycroft AUS Coalminer, Luna Luna
- Ron Easy AUS Rolling Thunder, Stumpy
1st Reserve: Greg Smith AUS TEP Clover Flush, Henry Higgs
2nd Reserve: Brad Frankum AUS PR Cougar

New Zealand League (1 qualified)

Only seven of the nine competitions scheduled in the New Zealand League could be held. Both Kelly Park and Kawerau had to be cancelled due to extreme bad weather conditions; heavy wind and rain. Greg Best won the league with 75 points ahead of Maurice Beatson (64 points) and Sally Anderson (56 points). Greg Best, who lives in New Zealand for several years now, competed for his native United States in the 1988 Olympic Games (individual and team silver medal) and the 1990 World Equestrian Games (4th individually) both on this grey Gem Twist. Best just received New Zealand citizenship.

  Qualified horses
- Greg Best NZL Entrepreneur
Reserve: Maurice Beatson NZL Duty Free

USA West Coast League (4 qualified)

9 competitions were held in California with 49 riders competing, among them several riders from NZL, PUR, IRN, ARG, JPN, IRL and LEB. Will Simpson won the league with 91 points ahead of Duncan MacFarlane of New Zealand with 79 points, Ray Texel
(75 points) and Richard Spooner (62 points). Since MacFalane as a non-US rider had at least as many points as the 3rd placed US-rider, he can travel to the Final as an extra, not taking away a place from an US American.

  Qualified horses
- Will Simpson USA El Campeons Ado Annie
- Duncan Mac Farlane NZL Eezy
- Ray Texel USA Fleur, Lexicon
- Richard Spooner USA Robinson
1st Reserve: John French USA Millenium
2nd Reserve: Misti Cassar USA Fahrenheit, Pasadena

USA East Coast League (7 qualified)

80 riders competed in the 10 competitions of the USA East Coast League. McLain Ward, already the league winner in the 1996 / 97 and 1998 / 99 seasons won again, with 75 points ahead of Laura Kraut (70 points), Todd Minikus (68 points), Chris Kappler (65 points) and Leslie Howard (65 points). The latter won part of her points in Western Europe, winning in Amsterdam and placing second in Berlin.

  Qualified horses
- McLain Ward USA Viktor, Fior, Rio, Puertos, Mortero
- Laura Kraut USA Anthem, Wet Paint, Liberty
- Todd Minikus USA What Nu, Playboy, Oh Star, Gardenio
- Chris Kappler USA Rafiki, Korina, Royal Kaliber, Ursa Major
- Leslie Howard USA s’Blieft, Cloverleaf, Priobert de Kalvarie, Nick of Diamonds
- Lauren Hough USA Windy City, Clasiko
- Vanessa Haas USA Rainbow, Cinoa
1st Reserve: Margie Engle USA H.C. Perin, H.C. Laurel, H.C. Jones
2nd Reserve: Joe Fargin USA Lancelot Z, Edgar Diams
3rd Reserve: Jimmy Torrano USA Lancier, Aguila
4th Reserve: Nona Garson USA Capital, Rhythmical
5th Reserve: Jeffery Welles USA Riviera, Jashar, Ransom


Western European League (18 to qualify)

14 of the fifteen competitions have been held. Still to come is Göteborg on 6 April 2002. 18 will qualify for the Final 01 - 05 May in Leipzig, plus Rodrigo Pessoa (whose has enough points) plus the defending champion, Markus Fuchs, plus two more Germans, the next after 18th place in the final league standings.

Already 17 riders (including Pessoa) have 51 points and more, which means that this may not be sufficient. The 17 riders with 51 points and more are:

GER 9: Ehning (74) L. Beerbaum (69), Hassmann (69), Merschformann (63), Becker (59), Nieberg (55), Meredith Beerbaum (55), Sloothaak (54) and Tebbel (51)

SWE 2: Bengtson (83) and Baryard (58)

BEL 2: Philippaerts (62) and Lansink (51)

NED 2: Tops (73) and v. d. Vleuten (52)

GBR 1: M. Whitaker (52)

BRA 1: Pessoa (53)

Hoping to get some more points in Göteborg are Gerco Schröder (46), van Dijk (43), Smit (41), Markus Beerbaum (41), Davenport (37) and Velin (36).

This week-end: Göteborg (SWE)

New Eventing World Cup Working Group

The newly formed FEI Eventing Committee Ad Hoc Working Group for CIC World Cup Series will meet during CCI *** Badminton (GBR) the first week of May.

The working group is chaired by Mr Jack Le Goff (USA) and includes the following members:

Tim Hensen (GBR)
Jennifer Millar (NZL)
José Ortelli (ARG)
Guy Othegy (FRA)
Eddy Stibbe (AHO)
Michael Tucker (GBR)
James Wolf (USA)

New Sections On The FEI Website

The official lists of “change of name” and “change of nationalities” for horses passports will no longer be published in the FEI Bulletin. A monthly update of these lists can be found in a newly created PASSPORT section, under CONSULT, VETERINARY.

A new section “courses” have been opened under CONSULT, DEVELOPMENT. It contains invitations to courses and seminars as well as reports.




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