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Garden State Horse Show Welcomes the Support of Girl Scouts & FIJI Water

AUGUSTA, NJ—April 12, 2002— The Garden State Horse Show, New Jersey’s largest hunter/jumper show, is pleased to welcome back FIJI Water as a supporter of the 2002 event which will be held May 1-5 at the Sussex County Fair Grounds, Augusta, NJ.

FIJI Natural Artesian Water is produced, bottled and shipped directly from the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific. It is there that rainfalls in the Yaqara Range of the Nakauvadra Mountains and passes through a natural elaborate filtration system into an aquifer deep below the volcanic highlands. With over 1,500 miles of open Pacific Ocean separating Fiji from the nearest continent, FIJI Water is protected by the island’s virgin ecosystem that is free from industrial and agricultural contaminates.

In addition to FIJI Water’s support, the Garden State Horse Show is happy to welcome the Oradell Girl Scout Troop 1321. The Girl Scouts of Troop 1321 have been working on their Horse Fan and Horse Rider badges and their trip to the Garden State Horse Show will complete their work. Garden State is thrilled to be a part of the Girl Scout curriculum. The Junior Essex Troop, presenter of the Garden State Horse Show, has a long history of promoting junior riders.

Over fifty years ago in West Orange, NJ, after World War II, officers of the 102nd armored cavalry founded the mounted Junior Essex Troop, a junior cavalry organization organized to promote the cavalry style of riding and military discipline for boys between the ages of eleven and eighteen. After the organization for children was established, the late Major Max Palmer was instrumental in starting the horse show and establishing it just for juniors. He was one of the center stones of Troop’s success and development. At one point, Troop had close to 150 children in West Orange. During that time, the show, then called the Junior Essex Troop Horse Show, was the largest all-junior exhibitor horse show in the country, offering hunters, jumpers and saddle seat classes.

Today, the Garden State Horse Show offers classes for junior and adult riders at all levels and is one of the largest hunter/jumper shows in the country. >From small pony hunters to the $50,000 Garden State Grand Prix, spectators can witness top riding. In keeping with Troop’s affiliation with young riders, the Garden State Horse Show will be making a donation to Centenary College and its scholarship fund intended for qualifying equine studies majors residing in the state of New Jersey.

The Garden State Horse Show will hold its 51st annual edition, May 1-5, 2002 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ. Admission is free except for Grand Prix Saturday. When admission is $10.00 a carload. All gate proceeds go to the Sussex County 4-H.

For more information on the Garden State Horse Show please call (508) 698-6810.


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