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"Horse Trails" Announces Series Launch On HorseTV:
Series To Feature Top Endurance Competitons and Trail Riding Across America

April 1, Houston, TX - “Horse Trails,” the new television series dedicated to all aspects of trail riding with a special emphasis on endurance and competitive trail riding competition today announced its broadcast launch on HorseTV.

Endurance Riding is one of the fastest growing equine sports throughout the world. Riding over distances of 50 and 100 miles, horses and riders compete against each other while traveling at moderate paces, with proper conditioning a major factor in successful horse and rider partnerships.

Endurance Riding is one of the seven major international disciplines included in the World Equestrian Games competitions which are held every four years between the Olympic Games. This September, Spain will host the World Equestrian Games for 2002.

Hosted by two-time AERC National Champion, Dave Kaden, upcoming Horse Trails programs will include the 2001 Pan American Championships, the 2001 American Endurance Riding Conference National Championships, and the IAHA (International Arabian Horse Association) Championships in New Mexico. Other episodes will showcase riding areas in such diverse locations as the White Sands National Monument – where moonlight riding is popular – to fall foliage rides in the mountains of Northern Kentucky.

The Horse Trails television series is sponsored in part by Specialized Saddles, designer and manufacturer of customized endurance and trail riding saddles.

Horse Trails will be featured as part of the regular HorseTV program schedule on Monday nights starting April 1. For more information on show descriptions and schedules, please visit or the HorseTV website. For advertising or sponsorship information please contact host David Kaden via email at “”

HorseTV began broadcasting fifteen months ago on January 1, 2001 and is distributed by the America One Television Network. HorseTV is presented as five, two-hour long time-blocks per week. One hundred twenty-five affiliate stations and select cable systems coast-to-coast broadcast the America One Television Network, which also can be received by over 2 million households via direct C-Band satellite. More than 20 million households can receive America One.

HorseTV is also available on the Internet via America One’s 24 hour-a-day webcast through Yahoo. There are more than 13 million homes with broadband Internet connections in North America alone.1 Visit the HorseTV website for specific information on how to watch television on the Internet, including direct links to the webcasts.

HorseTV presents a wide variety of programs to its viewers, providing educational, instructional, veterinary, documentary, and show and event programming devoted to owners, riders, breeders and lovers of horses and equestrian sports.

HorseTV, LLC is a joint venture of USFR Media Group and Equestrian Vision USA/UK. USFR Media Group is an integrated media holding company located in Houston, Texas. In addition to America One Television, USFR Media Group owns Cowboys & Indians magazine, the premier magazine of the Western lifestyle, and Western & English Today, the leading business-to-business magazine of the western and English equestrian industry. Equestrian Vision is the leading distributor of high-quality equestrian programming and home video in North America and Europe, including the equestrian events from the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the upcoming World Equestrian Games in Spain.

1 - Salomon Smith Barney, Nielsen/NetRatings

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