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Results from International Mounted Games Competion in Sweden

The Welsh mounted games team dominated the international mounted games competition at Gothenburgh Horse Show. Run over four days at Scandinavium the competition saw Wales put up an unassailable lead after the first day of competition to comfortably win with 19 points over the home side team of Sweden.
The team of Joanna Dale (Milo), Adam Adcock (Copper), Charlotte Wickson (Prim), Kate Lamb (Meg) and Darren Williams (Mayfly), trained by Powys veterinary surgeon Peter Dale finished second, just three points behind Sweden at the GFRK warm up competition the day before Scandinavium.
Day two of competition saw Sweden recover from their disappointing first day competition to finish one mark adrift of Wales, however by day three where Wales again put up an excellent performance the competition was effectively over for the home side.
The young and relatively inexperienced team of Norway and Germany saw a separate fight for third and fourth place, although Germany used their experience to overcome Norway.
The sport which attracts several thousand members throughout the world is one of the most popular performances at Gothenburgh where riders race to fast and lively music and where the Swedish arena party are known throughout the mounted games world as the 'worlds fastest arena party!'.
Wales had a strong team, as Joanna (20), Kate (20) and Darren (21) rode at the 2001 World Mounted Games Team Championships in Canada finishing in the silver medal position.

GFRK Warm up 1. Sweden 40, Wales 37, Germany 28, Norway 24.
Gothenburgh Horse Show (April 4/7) 1, Wales (Joanna Dale, Adam Adcock, Charlotte Wickson, Kate Lamb, Darren Williams, Trainer - Peter Dale), 104; Sweden, 85; 3, Germany, 55 ½; 4, Norway, 51 ½.


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