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Missy Ransehousen to Hold Clinic for Riders With Disabilities During Dressage at Journey’s End Competition

Kingston, RI—April 2, 2002—U.S. Equestrian Team veteran Missy Ransehousen will share her expertise with qualified riders with disabilities during the Dressage at Journey’s End competition in Unionville, PA, July 6-8.

Ransehousen, a three-day event rider who won a team Silver Medal and placed fifth individually at the 1995 Pan American Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina, served as the U.S. Chef d’Equipe at the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia. During Dressage at Journey’s End, she will offer coaching assistance for riders competing in the USA Equestrian-rated show. In addition, Ransehousen will hold a clinic the day after the competition.

In addition to traditional classes for able-bodied riders, the dressage show will offer a division for riders with disabilities under the auspices of the International Paralympic Equestrian Committee (IPEC). There is a growing trend for horse shows to offer divisions for both able-bodied and disabled riders, said Denise Avolio, National Disability Sports Alliance Equestrian Sports Manager.

“We are moving away from our qualifying classes being at therapeutic riding centers and getting more USA Equestrian-rated shows to offer the tests,” said Avolio.

The disabled division at Journey’s End is open to riders Grade I-IV. Tests are designed to challenge the rider at the highest level in which he or she can physically compete, not necessarily the highest level of training for the horse. Most of the disabled riders usually compete on borrowed horses because they often do not have the funds to ship their horses great distances to dressage competitions.

“We offer riders the clinic attached to the competition because many riders do not have the opportunity to have this level of coaching at home,” said Avolio. “Because the riders are so far apart, they must all travel to train with national team coaches like Missy. Combining a competition and clinic at one location is a money-saving and time-saving opportunity for them.”

The National Disability Sports Alliance is the national governing body for equestrian sport for riders with disabilities. NDSA is responsible for the development and selection of riders for national championship and international competitions, including the Paralympic Games, and provides training, competition and advocacy for riders with physical disabilities. Please visit for more information about NDSA.

A limited number of horses is available for use at the show and clinic. Stabling will be provided at Blue Hill Farm in Unionville, PA. For more information, please contact Denise Avolio, (914) 949-8166 or


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