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Ben Gill Gives Evidence To European FMD Investigation

NFU President Ben Gill will give an account of the experiences of British
farmers during foot and mouth when he gives evidence to the European
Parliament investigation into the disaster.

Mr Gill will travel to Strasbourg next Monday (8 April) to speak at the
European Parliament's Temporary Committee on foot and mouth disease.

Mr Gill said: "The farming community and all those who have suffered because
of foot and mouth deserve an independent and open investigation such as this
and the NFU is pleased to be co-operating with it.

"There are many lessons to be learned, not only in the UK but in Europe too.
Foot and mouth showed how vulnerable every country is when an outbreak
happens anywhere in the European Union or the world.

"I intend to provide useful input on our experiences of issues like research
and development, disease monitoring and control methods. This inquiry is
vital if the whole of Europe is to be properly equipped to tackle any future
animal disease outbreaks."

He added: "The Temporary Committee has stated clearly its intention to
establish the truth regarding many issues that have achieved much publicity
in the last 12 months. I welcome this. But this must be based on fact and
reality and not on the wishes or unrealistic expectations of one sector or


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