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Markus Merschformann of Germany Wins Second Round of the Budweiser World Cup Malin Baryard of Sweden on Top Overall

Las Vegas, NV- April 18, 2003 – Malin Baryard of Sweden riding H&M Butterfly Flip owned by Christina Larsson was the runner-up in the second round of Budweiser World Cup 2003 on Friday evening, but is the overall leader going into the Final competition at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. The 28-year-old had a double clear, but could not beat the impressive time of Markus Merschformann of Germany. Riding Camirez, owned by Gutsverwalltung Berl, Merschformann won the class with a faultless performance in the time of 31.60. Marcus Ehning of Germany on Anka finished in third place also without fault, but a slower time of 34.04.

Merschformann vastly improved over his placing of 31 in Thursday’s competition. As the first rider in the jump-off of nine, strategy was key, but the thirty year old was only hoping to make the top three.

“I didn’t think I would win, but I thought I would finish in the top three,” said Merschformann. “Last night I thought if I could repeat yesterday’s performance, I would do it differently.”

One who did not do anything differently was Baryard, who also placed second in the first World Cup Class. The young Scandanavian had Soren Von Ronne to thank since she was added to the roster when he withdrew. Originally, she was not one of the 42 riders to qualify.

“I’m very happy, I had another good day,” said Baryard. “My plan was to beat Rodrigo (Pessoa) so he didn’t pass me on the list. I was not surprised by my good performance because I have such a good horse. I just want to keep it up for Sunday.”

The top US rider of the evening was Leslie Howard of Westport, CT, on Priobert De Kalvarie, owned by Higher Grund Farm, who secured the jump-off in the initial round, but had a rail in the jump-off finishing sixth for the evening and eighth overall. Norman Dello Joio of Wellington, FL, riding Glasgow, owned by the Glasgow Group is the top overall American rider in fifth place.

Show jumping action continues through Sunday, with event highlights the Grand Prix of Las Vegas on Saturday, culminating with the World Cup Final on Sunday. There will be more spectacular laser light shows and dazzling performances and a dressage demonstration by 1999 Pan American Games double Gold Medalist Debbie McDonald. For tickets and other information, please visit the website or call 702-260-8605.


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