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An evening of equestrian theater highlights the 2003 Night of the Horse performances

The Del Mar National Horse Show's Night of the Horse presentation on Saturday, April 18, in the Del Mar Arena, is a spectacular equestrian extravaganza that is unequalled by any other show in San Diego."Horses Through the Centuries"is the theme for the stunning array of equestrian talent and entertainment that has been planned for the Night of the Horse program. The line-up includes more than 20 acts that will showcase the many and varied breeds of horses and how they have served man through the ages. The show will feature magnificent horses, skilled equestrians, and beautiful music.

The show even offers a "gourmet dinner under the stars"with the purchase of ringside Box Seats for six, as well as reserved and general admission seats. The Dinner Box seats are $300 for a 6-seat box. Admission at the gate is $15 Reserved seating, and $10 General seating.

Spectators will see bridleless reining, antique carriages, miniature drill team, world champion vaulting, Olympian and Western Dressage, Lusitano and Andalusian dancing horses, Roadster Ponies, Arabians, Icelandics, world-class Holsteiner driving competitors, mule reining, pole bending, pack train, and dressage Mules! They'll also laugh and be mystified watching Tommie Turvey's comedy acts and the amazing exploits of his prized Paints as an "Equine Extremist".

Night of the Horse is entertainment for the whole family. Even Horse Show enthusiasts are bound to something they've never seen before!

The Night of the Horse performance is only one of the "jewels"that make up the 58th Annual Del Mar National Horse Show.

The Del Mar National is a three-week event that is rated among the top three horse shows in the nation and considered the 'most prestigious'show in the West. The Show opens April 17 and continues through May 4, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Equestrian Center.

For three consecutive weeks, world-class horses and riders will compete for more than $300,000 in prize money and hope of qualify in selection trials for USET teams bound for the Pan American Games.

During the Night of the Horse presentation, spectators will see Bridleless Reining, Antique Carriages, Miniature drill teams, World Champion Vaulting, Olympian Dressage - even Western Dressage, Lusitano and Andalusian Dancing horses, Roadster Ponies, Arabians, Icelandics, world-class Holsteiner driving competitors, Mules execute reining, pole bending, dressage, and pack train!

Tickets for the Night of the Horse performance are now on sale through Ticketmaster by calling 619-220-TIXS (619-220-8497). Tickets may also be purchased via the Internet at Dinner box seats may be purchased through the Del Mar Fairgrounds Box Office by calling 858-792-4252.
For more information regarding the Night of the Horse Performance, please call the Del Mar Equestrian Center at 858-792-4288.


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