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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI**** Sheffield Great Britain 24-27 April 2003

Class 3: The Grandstand Classic
Thursday, April 24, 2003

1) LACTIC TWO; JOHN WHITAKER (GBR) Faults 0 Time 44.96
2) RUSSELL; NICK SKELTON (GBR) Faults 0 Time 52.06
3) PERSHING; PETER CHARLES (IRL) Faults 0 Time 54.04

7) LUIDAM; BILLY TWOMEY (IRL) Faults 4 Time 58.02

Class Number 5 - The Squibb & Davies Speed Classic
Friday, April 25, 2003

1) Karina; Robert Whitaker (GBR) Faults 0 Time 52.24
2) Lady Carthago; Angelique Hoorn (NED) Faults 0 Time 52.94
3) Lactic Two; John Whitaker (GBR) Faults 0 Time 54.16

7) Mulligan; Peter Charles (IRL) Faults 4 Time 57.58
10) Saffier; Billy Twomey (IRL) Faults 4 Time 58.25


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