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A delighted Joan Mundy with Feroree.
Stourbridge Horse and Owner Benefit From Physiotherapy System

A PHYSIOTHERAPY system developed for horses has also proved a huge success for the owner of a Holstein stallion.

The Equissage pad has both helped to ease Joan Mundy of her eczema as well as improving the soundness of Feroree a 17.3hh Holstein breeding stallion.

Said Joan of Kinver, Stourbridge: "When I bought Feroree, a 13-year-old old former Grade B showjumper, 18 months ago I knew that he had damaged both his stifles - one used to completely lock - in an accident. He was also suffering from muscle wastage.

"Three months after starting treatment he is not yet 100 per cent but is looking a lot stronger and is nearly there. You can tell he is feeling better. I started off using the pad everyday, then dropped to twice a week.

"We are expecting Feroree, who has fantastic action, to be sound enough to compete in the summer. He will be ridden by my son, Timothy, an elite under 21 dressage rider who is currently training with Ferdi Eilberg.

"One of our other horses a German 17.1hh four-year-old jarred his shoulder while playing in the paddock. We used the pad and the Equissage hand unit which did a super job of getting him right again."

Joan, a lupus sufferer, decided to use the pad on herself after being taken off medication at the end of last October which resulted in severe eczema on both legs.

"I used it once for five minutes and the eczema disappeared. It has never returned. At the time I thought 'in for a penny, in for a pound'. I am over joyed."

The Equissage pad gives a deep cycloidal massage to the whole horse and due to the unique action of the therapy, the pad actively improves circulation, eases and tones muscles, and promotes lymphatic drainage.

Equissage Agent Sally Prichard with Joan Mundy and Feroree.


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