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Welcome to the April 2003 HorseTV Newsletter and Program Schedule!

April brings some great new programming, including the beginning of our FEI competition series covering Dressage, Showjumping, Driving and Eventing. As you may already know, in January HorseTV acquired the television broadcast rights to almost 75 of the top FEI (International Equestrian Federation) horse shows and events from around the world, and will start off with the Show Jumping World Cup Qualifier held in Dortmund, Germany, mid-March.


One of the real highlights of April will be the premier episode of “America’s Horseworld,” on April 19th. In this special edition, “America’s Horseworld” visits with Roy Rogers, in one of his very last interviews. You’ll see rare footage of Trigger as a four year old, and clips from many of his movies, as Roy reflects on how he was the “greatest horse that ever lived.” Trigger starred in 188 movies, and lived to be 33 years old! A fascinating trip to the Los Angeles Mounted Unit plus the amazing world of mules, is only part of what’s in store for you when the Mikmar Bit Company presents, “America’s Horseworld.”

Get ready for some great International Polo, too, as HorseTV presents some of the top matches from around the world every Saturday night!


HorseTV is now offering unique sponsorship opportunities to companies . . . and at only $500 a month, that’s less than most black/white - 1/6 page ads in most major equestrian publications! So if you, or someone you might know in the industry could benefit from mass media exposure to millions of homes, please give us a call or drop us an email. It’s simple, effective and very inexpensive!


HorseTV has now been broadcasting for over two years, and currently provides 20 hours of first-class equestrian programming nationwide every week. Our goal of a 24/7 channel is just around the corner. Call your satellite provider or local cable company and tell them you want the new HorseTV Channel!

The April schedule is now posted at



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