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Non-Profit Horse Rescue Farm Established in New Hampshire In Critical Need of Donations.

Chichester, NH (April 8, 2003) New Hampshire has a new; much needed animal shelter for horses. Live and Let Live Farm, in Chichester, NH, has just been granted 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt status and is in need of donations.

Live and Let Live Farm rescues abused, abandoned and retired horses from all over the state of New Hampshire. Founded in 1996, the Farm was incorporated in 2002, and made a non-profit in 2003. Starting with just four horses, Live and Let Live Farm currently has twenty-three horses, eleven of which have been placed there since last August.

"There is a need in New Hampshire to provide a safe environment for abused and abandoned animals to be rehabilitated, especially horses" commented Nancy Kyle, Chairperson of the Board of Directors. "Most animal shelters do not take large animals, nor do they rehabilitate or retrain animals, they just find homes for them. Not a week goes by that we don't get calls about horses or ponies needing homes."

Live and Let Live Farm, Inc provides horses and ponies either a temporary or permanent safe place to interact with people. They strive to rehabilitate and or retrain animals, leading to increased confidence and self-esteem, and relationships that benefit both animals and people. When applicable, the Farm tries to find appropriate homes for rehabilitated animals. Those animals that are considered un-adoptable are given lifetime care at the Farm.

Shayla, a blind 18 year old Leopard Appaloosa has found a safe home at Live and Let Live Farm.

As a startup non-profit, charitable foundation, volunteers do all the work at Live and Let Live Farm. The Farm is funded by donations, sponsorships and grants. Because the Farm has grown so quickly, they are in critical need of financial donations to pay for feed and veterinary care of the horses. It costs an average of $1700 per year just for basic care and feed for each animal, and that doesn't include vet, farrier, or dental care. The Farm can also use donations of grain, fencing materials, hay, building materials just about everything. All donations are tax-deductible.

To find out more about the programs and goals of Live and Let Live Farm, Inc, check the Farm's website at For more information on visiting, volunteering or donations, call 603-798-5615 or email to Tax-deductible donations can be sent to Live and Let Live Farm, 20 Paradise Lane, Chichester, NH 03258. All donations are greatly appreciated.


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