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58th Oldenburg Elite Auction in Vechta - Perfect Start in the 2003 Auction Year

¦ A prelude made to order: the 58th Oldenburg Elite Auction on April 5, 2003 at the Oldenburg Horse Center in Vechta achieved not only outstanding results but was also distinguished by numerous sales abroad to a number of new customers from countries such as Indonesia, Mexico, Australia, China and Portugal.

¦ Two elite riding horses - Donna Karan and Royal Dream - went right through the 100,000 Euro "ceiling". Sales totaling 853,000 Euros were achieved for the 33 auctioned riding horses (average price 25,848 Euros) and of these, 17 horses were sold to foreign buyers.

¦ The 17 broodmares were sold for 204,500 Euros in total at an average price of 12,029 Euros. Seven of these mares will be heading for the US. Of the four ponies offered, two were also sold to the United States and one to Great Britain. The ponies brought 55,000 Euros in total (average price 13,750 Euros).

¦ The live transmission of the auction on the Internet was obviously a big success. We now know that many users, especially abroad, logged into Vechta to watch the auction live.

The 58th Elite Auction in Vechta started with a highly desirable candidate: catalogue number one, named Royal Dream (by Royal Diamond-Sandro), State Champion and Bundeschampionat finalist. This approved stallion was sold to Gestüt Floggensee in Schleswig-Holstein for 100,000 Euros. This highly satisfactory result was then topped by the Brillantring mare, Donna Karan (by Donnerhall-Sokrates) who was sold to Ken Acebal's training stables in California, USA, for 107,000 Euros. On behalf of his sponsor, Ken Acebal also purchased Alpina (by Argentinus-Weltglanz). A dressage gelding called Romeo (by Rubinstein-Inschallah AA) was knocked-down to new customers from Indonesia. Through the help of Bernd-Felix Einhaus who has a new agency for marketing Oldenburg horses, the jumper mare, Coppa Granata (by Corradino-Grannus) was sold to Mexico for 20,500 Euros. Another new group of clients from Belgium purchased Liechtenstein (by Lord Sinclair-Rubinstein) for the knock-down price of 21,000 Euros and for the first time, Portuguese clients bought the very last horse in the auction: D-Mark (by Donnerhall-Pik Bube I) for 27,000 Euros.

Our loyal German customers also approved of our elite collection. Bernhard Schaerffer purchased Royal Gala (by Royal Diamond-Don Gregory) for his daughter, Susanne, who just made her breakthrough into Inter-I dressage with an eight year old former auction horse, Ricardo S, who had taken eighth place in the 2001 World Championships for young dressage horses.

Highly Prized Broodmares, Top Ponies

The choice quality of the 17 broodmares offered was also reflected by the prices not only many American but also German breeders were willing to pay. Donau Perle (by Donnerhall-Akzent II) was sold to a buyer from Lower Saxony for 23,000 Euros. The highest priced broodmare, Madonna Queen (by Quattro B-Ramiro As) was purchased for 27,000 Euros by the American, Joan Sims, who also received the knock-down for the two top pony riding stallions, Luxus pur and Bon Jovi for 20,000 Euros and 15,000 Euros respectively. Joan Sims was the center of attention at the 56th Elite Auction (Spring 2002) when she purchased the Don Schufro son, Der Euro, for 300,000 Euros. That same year, Der Euro became State and Bundeschampion.

Results to be Proud of

In the final summary, the Oldenburg Verband President, Wilhelm Weerda, as well as the auctioneer, Uwe Heckmann, were highly pleased with the first auction in the year 2003: what was especially pleasing was not just having again succeeded in offering horses of very high quality, but that many new customers, particularly from abroad, could be won.

Riding Horses

No. Auction name Pedigree color/sex Knock-down price German state/Nation
1 Royal Dream Royal Diamond - Sandro - Matcho AA gray stallion 100,000.00 € Schleswig-Holstein
3 *Royal Gala Royal Diamond - Don Gregory - Lungau gray mare 51,000.00 € Lower Saxony
4 Romeo Rubinstein - Inschallah AA - Almeo gray gelding 13,000.00 € Indonesia
5 Coppa Granata Corradino - Grannus - Intervall gray mare 20,500.00 € Mexico
7 Quiretta Quidam de Revel - Beach Boy - Onyx bhestnut mare 21,000.00 € Schleswig-Holstein
8 *Roxborougho Rohdiamant - Andiamo - Welt As crown stallion 45,000.00 € Belgium
9 Rondo d' Amour Rohdiamant - Plaisir d´Amour - Rolando chestnut gelding 12,000.00 € Switzerland
10 Pleasurefull Plaisir d´Amour - Figaro - Harlekin brown stallion 30,000.00 € North Rhine Westph.
11 Frohsinn Freudentänzer - Rohdiamant - Almeo bay stallion 21,500.00 € Lower Saxony
15 *Lindgren Levantos - Carprilli - Zeus brown stallion 24,000.00 € North Rhine Westph.
16 Alpina Argentinus - Weltglanz - Figaro chestnut mare 23,000.00 € USA
17 Wiltfang Wellington - Argentinus - Weltglanz bay stallion 17,000.00 € Lower Saxony
18 Lance the Fighter Landjonker - Argentinus - Kronprinz (TB) brown gelding 10,500.00 € Hesse
19 Mick Jagger Michellino - Argentinus - Tiro brown gelding 15,000.00 € Switzerland
20 Wintermärchen Wolkentanz II - Hill Hawk (TB) - Cardinal (TB) brown mare 36,000.00 € USA
21 Lawrence von Arabien Landor S - Cheenook - Akzent II brown gelding 16,500.00 € Lower Saxony
22 Libelle Libero H - Pilot - Anmarsch bay mare 21,500.00 € Lower Saxony
23 Danica Stella Don Schufro - Wümmestern - Akrobat brown mare 17,000.00 € Belgium
24 De la Pair Donnerhall - Prinz Miro - Figaro brown gelding 23,000.00 € Canada
25 Donna Karan Donnerhall - Sokrates/Trak. - Ramzes chestnut mare 107,000.00 € USA
45 Lord Superior Lord Sinclair - Welt Hit O - Banditentraum/Trak. bay stallion 18,500.00 € Austria
46 La Habanera Lord Sinclair - Castro - Weltmeister bay mare 14,500.00 € USA
47 Liechtenstein Lord Sinclair - Rubinstein - Vollkorn (TB) brown gelding 21,000.00 € Belgium
48 Swiss Pearl Silvio - El Im Kal (TB) - Granit bay mare 12,000.00 € Lower Saxony
52 Dahrendorf Don Gregory - Welt As - Waidmannsheil black stallion 23,500.00 € Switzerland
53 Levay Landphönix - Quito de Baussy - Noel (TB) chestnut gelding 9,000.00 € Lower Saxony
54 Legolas Lacatraz - Landadel - Eldorado brown stallion 11,000.00 € Bremen
58 Donaldist Donnerhall - Rubinstein - Horencio chestnut stallion 25,000.00 € Lower Saxony
61 Queeno Quattro B - Lord Liberty - Wendekreis bay stallion 29,000.00 € Lower Saxony
62 Liberty Girl Liberty Life - Fürstengold - Grannus brown mare 11,500.00 € Lower Saxony
64 Tinca Vienna Tin Rocco - Wienerwald - Domspatz black mare 15,000.00 € France
65 Remarkable Royal Diamond - Sendbote - Schützenkönig (TB) chestnut stallion 11,500.00 € Belgium
66 D-Mark Donnerhall - Pik Bube - Duellschütz chestnut mare 27,000.00 € Portugal

Total sales of riding horses: € 853,000.00
Average price of riding horses: € 5,848.48
Highest priced riding horse: € 107,000.00
Number of riding horses: 33
Riding horses sold abroad: 17


No. Auction name Pedigree color/sex Knock-down German state/Nation
26 Donauperle Donnerhall - Akzent II - Rondo/Trak. bay mare 23,000.00 € Lower Saxony
27 Aussteuer Argentinus - World Cup II - Avus bay mare 13,500.00 € USA
28 *Spitfire Sandro Hit - Argentinus - Furioso II brown mare 10,000.00 € Schleswig-Holstein
29 Roxette Don Gregory - Rubinstein - Akzent II brown mare 16,500.00 € USA
30 Blandarina Cezaro - Zeus - Ramino bay mare 9,000.00 € Lower Saxony
31 Lavarel Contender - Lavendel - Fridericus bay mare 9,500.00 € Lower Saxony
32 *Verena Sion - Landadel - Weltmeister bay mare 14,000.00 € Schleswig-Holstein
34 */El. Gretana Akzent II - Contender - Tin Rocco brown mare 8,000.00 € Lower Saxony
35 */El. Esperanza Feiner Stern - Figaro - Harlekin brown mare 7,500.00 € USA
36 */El. Heidemädchen Rubinstein - Ramino - Magister/Trak. black mare 12,000.00 € USA
37 *Weissfee II Plaisir d´Amour - Akzent II - Vollkorn (TB) black mare 10,000.00 € Lower Saxony
38 Romance Rouletto - Raphael - Inschallah AA bay mare 7,000.00 € Lower Saxony
39 Calmera Santander H - Strohmann (TB) - Adrian (TB) bay mare 9,000.00 € USA
40 *Rosella Donnerhall - Rubinstein - Futuro chestnut mare 13,000.00 € USA
41 *Rose of Spring Rouletto - Contender - Tin Rocco bay mare 9,000.00 € North Rhine Westph.
42 Caprice Carprilli - Landadel - Goldstern brown mare 6,500.00 € Lower Saxony
43 *Madonna Queen Quattro B - Ramiro As - Zeus chestnut mare 27,000.00 € USA

Total sales of broodmares: € 204,500.00
Average price of broodmares: € 12,029.41
Highest priced broodmare: € 27,000.00
Number of broodmares: 17
Broodmares sold abroad: 7

Riding Ponies

No. Auction name Pedigree color/sex Knock-down German state/Nation
12 *Luxus pur Laudatio - Black Boy - Titus bay stallion 20,000.00 € USA
14 *Bon Jovi Black Boy - Victoria's Chirac - Centurion Torreador black stallion 15,000.00 € USA
55 Maree basse Black Boy - Calando - Cusop Citizien chestnut mare 5,500.00 € Lower Saxony
56 *Concerto Constantin - Grannox - Inschallah AA chestnut stallion 14,500.00 € England

Total sales of ponies: € 55,000.00
Average price of ponies: € 13,750.00
Highest priced pony: € 20,000.00
Number of ponies: 4
Ponies sold abroad: 3


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