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horse Royal Windsor Alters Programme

The Committee of the Royal Windsor Horse Show (14th-18th May), the opening show of the summer season, has decided that with the current uncertain climate surrounding events in the Gulf, it is inappropriate to continue with the celebratory military elements at this year’s show. However the vast and exciting array of competitions and equestrian displays will continue as normal.

As a result the Committee has withdrawn the Musical Drive of The King’s Troop, RHA as well as the daily staging of the ‘Wings for Victory’ extravaganza. The display was to have celebrated the enormous efforts made by the Windsor region in 1943 to raise money for desperately needed fighter planes for World War II. Directed by Sir Michael Parker, ‘Wings for Victory’ was to have included a celebration of the horse’s vital role in World War II as well as land and air contributions from the RAF.

The two displays were major elements of the two planned evening performances (17th and 18th) and as the Committee was keen to maintain the high standard of entertainment that the public has come to expect, both performances have been cancelled. As a consequence the fireworks finale on the Sunday evening will not be staged. The schedule of activities during the daily performances on Saturday and Sunday has been extended to incorporate the remaining elements of the evening performances, making for a daytime show that is more packed than ever.

Michael Shephard, Chief Executive of Royal Windsor said: “Although The King’s Troop and Wings for Victory were important elements of the show, the sporting side of the show will be completely unaffected and in fact the show ooks set to be one of our best yet.”

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 (or +44 115 912 9160 for international calls) and range from £10 - £12 for adults and £7 - £8 for concessions, with on the day prices from £12-£14 for adults and £7- £9 for concessions. A very attractive Membership package is also available by ringing 01753 860633. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at * If you have already purchased an evening ticket, this is transferable to a daytime performance or a refund is available from the Box Office.

* The website is being updated in light of this information


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