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TesioPower 5.0 SportHorse version is now available

Who is TesioPower for?
TesioPower pedigree software is for
" Stallion owners to market their stallions and breeding stock
" Broodmare owners when planning matings
" Sporthorse agents to broaden their selling base
" Breed Societies, Pedigree Researchers
" All involved with breeding, as a recreational and research tool

TesioPower is an internationally-acclaimed pedigree analysis program designed to assist in the upgrade of pedigrees using the proven line-breeding guidelines of Federico Tesio. It has the benefits of being easy to use and powerful enough for the most demanding user.


TesioPower : 550,000 horse database, with horses from around the world, with unlimited power to add your own horses
TesioPower : Breeding Rankings: National and International including WBFSH ranking
TesioPower : Six and Seven generation active family tree on-screen, with capability to show each duplication in its own colour, and to display only true cross-pedigree duplications
TesioPower : Competition Results in Dressage, Eventing, and Showjumping, including Stallion Performance test results
TesioPower : Lifetime Competition Level achieved for horses in sport.
TesioPower : Winnings: National and International for stallions and Sporthorses
TesioPower : Print six and seven remove pedigrees on one letter size or A4 page
TesioPower : Research pedigrees to 20 generations
TesioPower : Test Mating facility for easy hypothetical matings
TesioPower : Highlight Key Horses to duplicate in mating plans
TesioPower : Stallion Finder
TesioPower : Search for Female Inbreeding patterns
TesioPower : Display tail male / tail female lines to extent of data
TesioPower : Export pedigrees to HTML for e-mail
TesioPower : Export all reports and pedigrees to PDF files for e-mail
TesioPower : Create 6 generation pedigrees in Microsoft Word 97/2000
TesioPower : Use Word 97/2000 for storing extended notes about any horse
TesioPower : Store photos of any horse. Up to four photos per horse
TesioPower : Reporting to find duplicated ancestors, or descendants
TesioPower : Easy access to lists of siblings or offspring
TesioPower : Easy, fast, fill-in-the-blanks data entry screen
TesioPower : Sporthorse Family numbers included
TesioPower : Equivalents: Find horses that share common ancestors
TesioPower : Explore Tree View: Follow stallion and mare lines forward from the foundation stallion or taproot mare
TesioPower : Profile View Report: Containing photograph, main screen details, pedigree and notes about the current horse
TesioPower : Breed Awards: Lists the Breed Awards awarded from the various Breed Societies
TesioPower : Thoroughbred Percentage in the pedigree
TesioPower : Inbreeding Coefficient: Calculates the Inbreeding Coefficient in the pedigree
TesioPower : X Factor: Trace the double copy mares and large heart sires
TesioPower :
Import / Export data. Share data easily with other TesioPower users
TesioPower : Free dial-in technical support
TesioPower : Regular data updates with the latest information from around the world

TesioPower's 550,000 Sporthorse database has been compiled from worldwide sources over the last 10 years. It has an extensive list of stallions from around the world with their pedigrees extended to earliest times. The database also includes the pedigrees of top competition horses in dressage, eventing and showjumping from around the world as well as horses sold at many major sales.

An important feature is that you can add your own information. Using our Multiple Data view, new pedigrees are easily added in a 'fill-in-the-blanks' approach. The information you add becomes a part of your database, able to be used by any part of TesioPower.

TesioPower includes the horses that have a World Breeding Federation Sport Horse Ranking and also the National Breeding Indexes for the major Breed Societies.

TesioPower has an extensive database of Competition results, Winnings and Rankings both national and international for Sporthorses and stallions.

TesioPower allows you to view the horses by their Competition Level Achieved. Find out just how good a stallion really is. Is he better at producing Showjumpers or Dressage horses or Eventers? Get a list of his offspring and look at their "Competition Level Achieved" listing.

TesioPower displays clear and easy to read pedigrees in 6 and 7 generation formats. Pedigrees can be printed or saved as HTML and PDF files.

TesioPower allows you to see the results of mating that you are considering. After entering the prospective sire and dam names, TesioPower allows you to research the pedigree just as if it were any other horse.

TesioPower The X Factor feature is a very powerful feature that will display horses identified with the Large Heart Gene as identified by Marianna Haun, the author of the X Factor series of books.

TesioPower can show the female or male line of any horse. Some records go back to the foundations of the breed in the 1600's. In addition the Female Sporthorse family numbers are included.

TesioPower prints beautifully formatted six and seven generation pedigrees to a single sheet of Letter or A4 sized paper. The pedigrees are clear and include color coded linebreeding. Pedigrees can also be saved as HTML files for websites, PDF files to email or formatted as Microsoft Word documents.

TesioPower comes complete with photographs very kindly supplied by Peter Llewellyn of HorseSource for many of the horses in the database. It is very easy to add your own photographs. You can add up to four photographs per horse.

TesioPower calculates the percentage of thoroughbred blood in every horse and also the Inbreeding Coefficient in the pedigree.

TesioPower's Explore Tree View feature allows you to follow stallion and mare lines forward from the foundation stallion or taproot mare. The Explore button acts in reverse to a pedigree. A pedigree is a view back in time to a horse's ancestors; the Explore button is a view forward to its descendants.

TesioPower has a list of the most influential horses in the breed. The Key Names feature prints a list of these influences and the comments about them so the highlights of the pedigree can be identified. Key Names are ones you should try to have duplicated in your pedigrees. Analysis of successful pedigrees has shown that these names are a recurring theme. TesioPower's pedigree charts highlight the duplicated ancestors in the pedigree, so it is easy to identify which of the Key Names are truly duplicated, or line-bred, in your pedigree.

TesioPower can research pedigree from 4 to 20 generations, although between 6 and 12 is most common. After researching the pedigree, TesioPower can display the results in a number of useful formats.

TesioPower's Equivalents feature allows you to find horses in the pedigrees who are related, but where that relationship is not immediately obvious. Equivalent horses are those that share two common ancestors in four generations and who have a minimum of 50% common blood. These setting can be changed.

TesioPower can compare your mares' pedigree to its list of stallions, showing them in descending order of line-breeding potential. Not all horses in the list will suit your requirements, but this useful routine does save a lot of time in checking pedigrees one-by-one. A handy feature is that you can double-click on a sire's name in this list and see a mating of the sire and your mare.

TesioPower can compare your mare's pedigree to a list of stallions, and show you a list of those matings that would have female inbreeding. This characteristic is popularly known as the 'Rasmussen Factor' (RF) and is the subject of a well received book, 'Inbreeding to Superior Females'.

TesioPower's Profile View Report is ideal for instant Stallion Stud Cards or Horse Sale details. It lists all the details from the main screen. Photograph, main screen details, pedigree, notes and comments all listed together. Great for sharing information.

TesioPower allows you to share data easily with other TesioPower users. You can export complete pedigrees of a horse, data from Pedigree Researches, lists of offspring etc. You can also export all data added or updated in your database since a nominated date.

Technical Requirements
TesioPower requires the following as an absolute minimum.
" Pentium 166 processor
" 16 megabytes of RAM
" 150 megabytes of free disk space
" 800 + 600 video mode
" Windows 95 or later

More realistically, TesioPower should have the following.
" Pentium II processor
" 32 megabytes of RAM
" 300 megabytes of free disk space
" 800 + 600 video mode
" Windows 98 or later
The higher specifications are easily beaten by any PC being sold today. Any PC up to three or four years old will also most likely meet these standards.

TesioPower SportHorse is available at a special promotional price of £265
( Approx $us 420, 390 euro, $aus 690 )

This includes free technical support.

We accept payments by Switch, Visa, MasterCard, Access, Delta, JCB, Eurocard, Cheque, Cash and Bank Draft.

Delivery time is 5-7 days.

We have a demo of the program available.

Please visit our website at to download the demo.

To download the demo is FREE. If you prefer to receive the demo on CD I can post it to you. There is a charge of £5 for this.
The demo is a full working version of the program, but with a reduced database (23,000 horses)

If you wish to purchase the full version, or have any questions regarding the TesioPower SportHorse version please contact me, my details are below.



Hugh McMahon
Otterswick Marketing
P.O. Box 8110

TEL: +44 (0) 1290 552 999
FAX: +44 (0) 1290 552 998



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