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Candice King and Gosse D’Orion Win Welcome Stake
With Only Double Clear Round

Wellington, FL – April 4 – The AGA National Jumper Championships continued the third day of competition at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club. Sunday is the final day and the AGA Championship Series Final will be at 2:00 pm.

Gosse D’Orion and Candice King won the AGA Championship Welcome Stake. This Table II, 2.2(a) class had 15 horses enter and 5 qualified to come back for the jump off. Candice and Gosse D’Orion were the only combination that had a clean jump off round. Laura Kraut and Allegiance were the fastest in the jump off with 4 faults – finishing in second place.

Eric Lamaze from Canada won the 1.35 m AGA Championship riding Noulette. Noulette is owned by Stoney Hill Farm and was the best of 30 horses competing. Eight horses were in the jump off and Yann Candele was second riding Millcreek Stables’ horse, Sweet Dreams.

Rich Fellers riding McGuinness won the 1.45 m AGA Championship. Harry & Molly Chapman of Wilsonville, Oregon own this bay gelding. Molly Ashe was second placed riding King Louie. In third was Henri Prudent with News. Trelawny Farm Inc. owns News. Twenty-seven horses entered this class and 12 returned for the jump off.

In the $2,500 Low Amateur Qualifier, Caroline Lloyd won riding her Gordon Boy. Twenty-two horses competed.

All results are posted at

AGA National Jumper Championships

Presented by Budweiser

Wednesday – Sunday, April 2-6, 2003

Tickets are available at the gate. Adults are $5.00 Wed. – Sat; $10.00 on Sunday; Seniors are $5.00 all days; Children 12 & under are free. Parking is free. Schedules, directions and information is available at or at (561) 793-5867.


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