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The British Horse Society appoints new Chief Executive Government 'Official for the Horse' moves to Stoneleigh

The Board of The British Horse Society is delighted to announce that Graham Cory, the current Defra 'Official for the Horse', is to be the Society's new Chief Executive. Graham will take up his appointment in the summer.

Chairman of the BHS, Mrs Pat Campbell, said "With his oversight of the horse industry, his political knowledge, and his appreciation of the grass roots rider, Graham Cory has the right mix to ensure The Society continues its healthy period of growth. With almost 60,000 members, The British Horse Society is moving from strength to strength."

Graham Cory will bring to The British Horse Society strong leadership, and a vibrant and exciting vision for the future. He is committed to generating a refreshed spirit of cooperation across the equestrian world.

The Society campaigns actively in the areas of horse welfare, horse & rider safety, access & rights of way and training & examinations. The Society strives to make horse riding accessible for everyone in the UK, and to ensure levels of teaching and riding establishments are of a high standard. For more information please visit


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