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BSJA Code of Conduct & Principles

"The BSJA Executive Board has taken on board points raised at the AGM held on the 1st October 2003 and has drafted a new Statement of Principles and Code of Conduct for those who serve the Association as a member of the Executive Board or other Committees, to ensure they are held to the highest standards of conduct for the benefit of the Association and its members.

BSJA Statement Of Principles & Code of Conduct

The BSJA is the governing body of show jumping in the UK, whose mission is to encourage and improve show jumping at all levels. Those who are elected, appointed or co-opted to serve the BSJA are held to the highest standards of conduct. In particular they assume an obligation to subordinate individual interests to the interests of the BSJA and to behave in such a way that trust and confidence in the integrity of the Association are enhanced.

However, those elected or appointed to serve the BSJA on the Board or Committees will almost inevitably have achieved success in equestrianism, whether as competitor, official, trainer, horse-owner or through other interests such as putting on shows. Since these activities will continue during their term of office, the possibility of a real or apparent conflict of interest arises.

While no set of guidelines can guarantee acceptable behaviour, the principles, which guide behaviour of Board and Committee members, are:
1. Full and complete disclosure of any real or apparent conflict of interest
2. Non-participation in any vote or decision wherever any personal or family gain is a possibility. This equally applies to BSJA dealings with any Company in which individuals may have an interest.
3. No unfair advantage should be gained over other members of the BSJA by virtue of membership of the Board or of a Committee.
4. Breach of these principles will result in the member having to resign from the committee in question and or pay compensation to the BSJA and in the case of a Board Member may give rise to a fine under the Companies Act

These principles are covered both by Company Law and by Clause 4 of the BSJA's Memorandum and Articles of Association and will be strictly adhered to.

Compliance is founded on the individual's own sense of integrity, but is also based on public disclosure and scrutiny of both their interests and actions. The BSJA wishes to adopt best practice in this area and has therefore now decided to adopt the following Code of Conduct


1. All individuals who wish to participate as members of the BSJA Board or Committees or sub-committees must confirm annually, in writing, knowledge of these principles and will be required to complete a Conflict of Interest, Disclosure Statement at the beginning of each year listing all relevant interests of their own or their family.

2. These interests will be disclosed by candidates when seeking election and subsequently at the beginning of January each year. This may influence who is appointed to certain Committees where an apparent conflict arises. Should such an interest arise during the year, then the Board or Committee member must notify the Chief Executive in writing and formally declare the interest at the next Board and/or relevant Committee meeting being attended

3. Whenever a contract or decision arises on the Board or in Committee in which a member has a potential conflict of interest, the material facts surrounding such interest must be disclosed in good faith before the start of any discussion of the matter. Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the remainder of the Board or Committee, the member will leave the meeting while the remainder of the Board or Committee considers and decides on the matter. In this situation neither the vote of the involved member nor of any direct family members on the Committee shall be counted.

4. The procedure adopted by all Committees will be changed to routinely consider whether any conflicts of interest may arise on agenda items at the start of each meeting.

5. In the event that any member breaches this Statement of Principles and Code of Conduct, the Executive Board will decide either to ask the member to cease to be a member of that Committee or to compensate the Association for the amount of financial benefit the member obtained. Board members will also be liable to a fine under The Companies Act.

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