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World Reining Trophy 2004: When the Alsace turns into a 'Mecca' for Reiners and Cutters...
Mooslargue (France), June 9-13, 2004

From June 9 until 13, 2004 the best reiners and cutters of Europe meet at Mooslargue in Alsace. The small village is situated about three quarters of an hour from Basel and is the home to HorseAcademy, one of the most popular western riding facilities of Europe. During those days, there will be the World Reining Trophy 2004. The show which concentrates on reining and cutting offers a total purse of EUR 160,000.-with EUR 100,000.-- (added) in the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy alone and EUR 15,000.-added in the Open Cutting.

Top prize money and superb conditions for training and showing should attract both open and non pro competitors from all over the world. The World Reining Trophy 2004 is organied as a central meeting point for all reining and cutting horse lovers. Therefore, there are classes for various trainings levels with e.g. a EUR 5,000.-- added ntermediate Open.

Another Highlight: Cutting
Cutting is the second highlight of the WRT with a EUR 15, 000.-- Open and a EUR 5,000.-- added Non Pro division. It should attract the best European cutters. So far, no starter lists are available as the deadline for nominations is May 10.

One thing is for sure: The World Reining Trophy will be a guarantee for first class rides. Classes start on June 9 with a prepaid warm up the day before. Visitors should especially keep in mind the week-end with the finals of the NRHA Bronze Trophys and the cuttings as well as the evening parties.
Please remember the 'Megaclinic' which is planned to follow the show.
Spectators should order their tickets as soon as possible as there is only a limited number of seats available.

Tue. June 8
Paid warm up
Wed. June 9
Non Pro Lawson Go round
Thu. June 10
Open Lawson Go round
Fri. June 11
Intermediate Non Pro Reining
Intermediate Open Reining
8 p.m. Party
Sat. June12
Open Cutting
Non Pro Lawson Final
8 p.m. Party
Sun. June 13
Non Pro Cutting
Open Lawson Final

Iris Petersen, Am Sandacker 4,D - 24983 Handewitt
Telefon +49 4608 972 408 Telefax +49 4608 972 409
For further information please contact


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