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"FERIA DEL CABALLO" (Annual Jerez Fair): May 9 - 16, 2004

Declared to be of International Touristic Interest, the "Feria del Caballo" is the most popular of local celebrations, with young and old involved, dancing Sevillanas and enjoying all the major attractions and most typical features of Jerez: horses, flamenco singing and dancing, sherry and all the gaiety, art and colour of Andalusia.

Along with its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, the Feria is also famous for its spectacular parade of dressage horses and horse-drawn carriages. Taking place in the middle of May, it lasts for a whole week and coincides with numerous equestrian competitions and Flamenco events.

Enjoy the Feria with DUENDELENGUAS...

...for the FLAMENCO Lover
Mornings. From 11:30 to 1:30 of Monday

Afternoons and nights
ENJOY THE "FERIA DEL CABALLO" where you can practice your advances in Flamenco Art and live a real Fiesta

...for the HORSE Enthusiast
Mornings. An intensive PROGRAMME OF EVENTS AND EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITIES: Spanish championship of Pursuit and Knock Down of bulls, the‘Ciudad de Jerez’ Polo Championship, Morphological Selected Horse, Country style dressage competition, Carriage competition and shows, Morphological Competition awards, National jumping championship...

Afternoons and nights ENJOY THE FERIA and the Horses Parade, a magnificent spectacle made up of hundreds of horsemen and horsewomen, dressed up with riding habits and gypsy dresses, and admirable harnessed carriages elegantly and skilfully parading

...for everyone who visit us
Duendelenguas offers the cheapest options that gives you a wonderful choice of enjoying a good stay, alone or together with other friends who visit us. Our flats and appartments are very comfortable and locate in the center of Jerez, completely equipped (bedlinens, towels, kitchenware, tv., iron, washing machine and a weekly housekeeping service).

The Feria de Jerez an inexhaustible festivity full of the best wine and the hospitality of the inhabitants of Jerez who welcome everyone willing to enjoy, understand and learn how to live this event. We hope to see you and live la fiesta de Jerez!!!



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