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Mundole Equestrian One Day Event 18-04-04

Some rain in the morning failed to dampen the enthusiasm for nearly 60 competitors who attended the Mundole Equestrian One day Event. The new course provided a lot of variety and challenges for Open to Mini competitors. Ruby Downie on Just Toby, the winner of the Mundole Winter Showjumping Series, was presented with her prize.

Open 1 Elisabeth Leslie (Collective Effort) 2 Emma Douglas (Cartoon Top Cat) Intermediate 1 Sandra Mackay (Tia Maria) 2 Richard Long (Eliza) 3 Sue Jardine (Utrillo) Junior Intermediate 1 Alice Bell (Santa Fe) 2 Louise Downie (Sydserff Teasel) 3 Jane Manson (Barely a Crime) Novice 1 Maggie Duncan (Shelt) 2 Tammy Gilyeat (Rosebay Kofianna) 3 Michelle Campbell (Cheyenne)Mini 1 Roseanna Fraser (Nipper) 2 Monica Routledge (Black Diamond) 3 Ruby Downie (Just Toby)

Mundole Winter Showjumping Series 1 Ruby Downie (Just Toby) 2 Jayne Mitchell (Clova) 3 Rebecca Garner (Quantum Leap)


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