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“Yann Candele and Mill Creek Marco Taere on their way to victory in the 1.40 meter speed competition at the 2004 World Cup Final in Milan, Italy.”
Photo credit – Cealy Tetley
Yann Candele and Mill Creek Marco Taere Enjoy a Win at World Cup Final

Cambridge, Ontario – Canadian-based show jumping athlete Yann Candele of France enjoyed victory in the opening competition of the 2004 World Cup Final held April 22-25 in Milan, Italy.

On April 22, the opening day of the event, Candele and Mill Creek Marco Taere won the 1.40 meter speed competition by one one-hundredth of a second over Sencer Can of Turkey. The class is open to World Cup Finalist competitors only and gives the riders an opportunity to compete with their second horses. Candele, 33, who rides for France and is based in Schomberg, ON, was riding Mill Creek Marco Taere for owner Mill Creek Stables of Cambridge, ON.

Jumping eighth in the order from a starting field of 38 competitors, Candele posted a time of 62.05 seconds to overtake the lead from Can, who was only the second rider on course and stopped the timers at 62.06 seconds. Although 30 other horse-rider combinations followed Candele, none were able to catch his time. The next closest, Marco Kutscher of Germany placed third in a time of 67.19 seconds, more than five seconds slower than Candele. American challenger Laura Kraut was fourth riding Allegiance in 69.14 seconds.

“In my opinion, Yann is one of the best riders in the world today and it is great for him to have an opportunity to prove himself on the world stage,” said Phil Henning of Mill Creek Stables. “Marco Taere was the leading horse by money won in Canada last year and it is wonderful to have a horse that can win against such an outstanding international field of horses and riders.”

Mill Creek Stables imported Mill Creek Marco Taere in 1999 and Candele began riding the ten-year-old chestnut Belgian Warmblood gelding by Darco three years later. Candele is riding another Mill Creek Stables horse, the nine-year-old Belgian Warmblood mare, Mill Creek Sweet Dream, in the World Cup Final competition.

A native of Normandy, France, Candele enjoyed a successful season on the Canadian World Cup League circuit, winning three of the four World Cup Qualifying events he contested, to earn an invitation from the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) to the 2004 World Cup Final. This marks Candele’s first appearance at the annual indoor event although he also qualified for the 1992 World Cup Final in Del Mar, California, but was unable to compete due to restrictive quarantine requirements. Candele first represented France in Nations’ Cup competition at the 2001 Spruce Meadows Masters tournament in Calgary, AB, riding Mill Creek Chardo.

With numerous horses now competing at the grand prix level, Mill Creek Stables continues to develop a large string of up-and-coming young prospects. Located in Cambridge, ON, Mill Creek Stables is one of Canada’s largest sport horse breeding and sales barns, offering prospects in a variety of disciplines to suit all budgets. For more information, please visit, call tel: 519 740-1121 or e-mail:


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