
At its agm in the Great Southern Hotel, Dublin
today (May 17), the Equestrian Federation of Ireland returned unopposed Ms.
Avril Doyle MEP, as its first ever woman President.
Pictured at the Great Southern Hotel, Dublin
today (May 17, 2001) are from left: Bill Buller, former President of the
Equestrian Federation of Ireland (1986 -91); incoming President Ms. Avril
Doyle, MEP; outgoing President Lewis Lowry (1996-2001); and former President
Lord Carew (1979-84)
Ms. Doyle, who was for three years Chairperson of
Eventing Ireland, and who has spent more than 40 years of her life involved in
equestrian sport, succeeded Lewis Lowry, from Co. Down, who had held the
position of President for five years.
Ms. Doyle was proposed by Tony Hurley of the Show Jumping Association of
Ireland, and seconded by Alice Mernagh of the Irish Pony Club.
In her inaugural address as President, Ms. Doyle said: "In my opinion, the
best chance of an Olympic medal for Ireland in 2004 will come from the
equestrian sport sector. But we will need commitment and discipline from our
senior riders as a quid pro quo for our investment in this project."
She added: "I will not be satisfied until we match in rider medal winning
rankings what we have already achieved in breeding rankings. I believe we have
the raw talent, but it is not yet achieving its full potential."
At the same meeting, Dermot Forde was elected as the EFI's Treasurer, replacing
the outgoing office holder, Dave Errity, while Lewis Lowry was elected as
Vice-President after handing over the Presidency to his successor, Avril Doyle.
Mrs. Joan Keogh (left)
presents a gift on behalf of Dressage Ireland to outgoing Equestrian Federation
of Ireland President Lewis Lowry at the federation's agm held in the Great
Southern Hotel, Dublin, today (May 17, 2001) |