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KBIS Equine Insurance To Sponsor British Riding Clubs' Senior Novice Show Jumping Championship

Kbis Equine Insurance are to sponsor the British Riding Clubs' Senior Novice Show Jumping Championship for the first time.

The Championship forms part of the extensive BRC National Championships, which this year are moving to Lincolnshire Show Ground after eleven years at the Three Counties Show Ground in Worcestershire. The Senior Championships will take place on Saturday 14th September, with the juniors following on Sunday 15th.

In the year 2000, a staggering 1272 competitors took part in the Area Qualifiers for the Senior Novice Show Jumping, with 160 going forward to the championships. With such a large entry, the championship had to be split into two rings, in order to complete the competition in one day. The same format will be used in 2002, when entries are expected to be even higher.

Elizabeth Prest, Director of Kbis Equine Insurance said, 'after sponsoring the BRC Festival of the Hunter, we are pleased to be extending our involvement with British Riding Clubs into the summer season and to be supporting such a popular competition.'

Competitors in the Novice Show Jumping must be members of an affiliated British Riding Club. For details of local clubs, and dates and venues of qualifiers for the Novice Show Jumping, contact the BRC office, details below:

Further enquiries on Novice Show Jumping to Emma Spivey, Head of BRC, 08701 20 22 44

Further information on Kbis Equine Insurance available on


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