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BHS Instructors Convention With Yogi Breisner FBHS
October 21, 2002

Do not miss the fantastic opportunity to see Yogi Breisner FBHS, at the British Horse Society's one-day Instructors' Convention, on October 21 2002 at Solihull Riding Club.

Yogi, who is British Eventing's Performance Manager and was British Three Day Event Team Chef d'Equipe at the Sydney Olympics in 2000, will be sharing his expertise by linking the three disciplines of dressage, show jumping and cross-country.

As a Junior, Yogi had success in several Swedish National Championships in both dressage and show jumping as well as experience in point to point and showing. From 1976-1987 he was a member of the Swedish Three Day Event Team winning team gold and individual 4th at 1983 European Championships. He has been placed in the top ten four times at Badminton, and was ranked in the top ten of World Three Day Event Riders for four years.

Yogi has had many years of experience breaking and training young horses as well as training and coaching many riders throughout the world.

This Convention will count as a refresher course for the Register of Instructors and count ten hours for holders of the PTC. Places will be limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Cost of tickets start at £20 Registered Instructors, £25 BHS/ BSJA/ BE/ BD members and £30 non members.

For application forms please contact Charlotte Nelson 01926 707820 email


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