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The Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair

Blair Atholl, Perthshire
Thursday 22nd - Sunday 25th August 2002

Bigger And Better Blair

Plans are progressing for the 2002 Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair – August 22nd to 25th.

Director, Sarah Phillips, who joined the team at Blair in March is settling in. She said, "I am beginning to put faces to names now and it is great to be working with such an enthusiastic team. We are building on the success of previous events and I am convinced this year will be bigger and better than ever."

The CCI one star and two star classes are at the top of the list for many top international riders with young horses to bring on. Indeed several young horses which cut their teeth at Blair Castle, went on to much greater things, such as Blyth Tait’s Ready Teddy and Chris Bartle’s Word Perfect. Entries are expected to be at their maximum again this year.

Hunter and Highland Pony classes are popular as everybody loves to ride in the spectacular setting of Blair Castle; it gives a real sense of occasion to a standard showing class. Schedules are available from the Horse Trials Office now.

The showjumping just gets bigger and bigger, and that’s not just the fences. Last year there was over 1200 entries!

Once again the Childrens’ Hospice Association of Scotland (CHAS) will be the nominated charity for the horse trials. In this 10th anniversary year of CHAS, the organisation is holding many fund-raising events culminating in four days at Blair, where they hope to invite many of their celebrity supporters and auction a very special bottle of Bowmore Islay malt whisky!

There is lots to look forward to at this years Bowmore Blair Castle Horse Trials and Country Fair, so watch this space for more details in the months to follow!

or further details please visit the Bowmore Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair website - click here


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