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Dolfynydd Show 2002
Sunday 9th June

I am very happy to let you know that this year we are able to hold our annual show
I do hope you will be able to attend as this show enables us to buy our winter hay off the fields and as we need over 2000 bales of hay to get through the winter we really do need every penny we can get to do this
Last year the year of foot and mouth was the worst year we have ever had and I never thought I would say that again but sadly it is true it was the most horrid year I can remember
We are desperately in need of people to sponsor the classes a class cost just £10 to sponsor of course if you want your name on the ribbons it will cost more that will cost £50 but it can be say for the colourd's and there are 3 or 4 classes in that event
It costs us over £300 just to pay for ribbons and we usually pay that out of our own money unless we get sponsors so if you want your company name or a name of a late and lost beloved friend or family member or even a four legged friend please do get in touch ASAP as we need to sort out the ribbons in the next 2 weeks

Now if you want to sponsor a perpetual cup or shield please do so they start from £50 also class cups can cost us a lot and we do like to give the children something special

This year if we do get enough sponsors we hope to give golden jubilee cups to the children at the end of the day but this will cost us about £200 so anyone who wants to help us with this please do so
Perhaps there is someone you know who runs a trade warehouse we could do with the help from one of these if possible
Please remember it's you who can help us to make the difference to a lost lonely animal in need we are always there for them please can you be there for us, I do hope so the animals need is much grater than ours with you help we can and will continue to survive and give help, hope and a life when there seems that there is none
Thank you and I hope to see you on the day refreshments and lunch will be available for all who donate something to the show
We are also desperately in need of good TOMBOLA items for our TOMBOLA STALL and ALSO GOOD RAFFLE PRIZES
With love and best wishes from all of the animals and also the staff at the sanctuary and especially POST BAG THE PONY

Dolfynydd Farm Llwyndrain Llafyrnach Pembrokeshire SA35 0AS TEL 01239 698 649 Email


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