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The 'Hay Presto' Hay Steamer.

Horsegadgets have developed a portable, convenient, efficient and easy to use hay steamer.

The 'Hay Presto' is a robust tank of 3 haynet capacity. It cuts out all the mess and sheer hard labour of soaking. All that is required is an electrical and a water supply.


Clouds of thick steam penetrate to the heart of haynets to dampen down the dust menace very thoroughly. The owner is quickly provided with a warm sweet smelling supply of feed which is light, easy to handle, and full of nutrition. All the hard grind of soaking has disappeared!

Your hose is clipped to the water connection, the plug connected, through an RCD safety device, to the mains. The haynets are placed into the tank, the tank switched on, and 'HAY PRESTO' in a few minutes the hay is sweet, dustfree and ready for the stable. - any simpler and the horse could do it him, (or her) self!

This is a very effective item of equipment, you'll wonder how you managed without!

Details of the 'Hay Presto' is available on the website - or from

Holly Mitchell,,
29, Seaview Road,The 'Hay Presto' Hay Steamer.
Leigh on Sea
Tel: +44 (0) 1702 479060


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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.