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Complementary Therapies for Cats and Dogs - Seminar - Sunday 16th June 2002

Note: As of 14th May this seminar has been postponed due to circumstances beyond the organisers control.

Another One Not To Be Missed!

Frimley Dog Trainers and Behaviour Specialists, Carol Donovan and Stuart Glover, have announced another of their one day specials.

Alongside their regular classes in Frimley Green, Carol and Stuart of the Walkabout Group will be holding a day at the Mytchett Community Centre, near Camberley in Surrey exploring the various aspects of complementary therapy for dogs and cats.

Speakers have been invited to talk on Homeopathic medicine, Acupuncture, the use of Bach flower essences and Aromatherapy. We have a Chiropractor coming to tell us all about the use of McTimoney practice and body balancing and Toni Shelbourne from the Tellington touch will be joining us to share some new ideas about helping dogs cope with their fears. There will be stalls with lots of information to take home.

Tickets are on sale now at a special price of £20.00 to include tea and coffee.

Be sure not to miss this one and book early to avoid disappointment.

The date for your diary is: Sunday 16th June from 10 - 4pm

Send your cheque made payable to STUART GLOVER. (Please include a SAE for the safe return of your tickets and directions to the centre.)

Stuart Glover,




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