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Logo Change For Robinsons

A brand new logo will feature on robinsons New "Spring" and "New for 2002" catalogues which are out this month. In addition to a much more modern oval shape, the company will also be removing the words "Country Leisure". Marketing Manager, Paul Bentham explained why:

"When I talk to any of our customers, it's quite clear that we're always known simply as "Robinsons". The word "Country Leisure" had become a little confusing because we have not stocked any shooting or fishing items for years. We are dedicated soley to horse-owners and riders everywhere and we wanted to reflect that, which is why instead of a dot above the "i" there is a small horseshoe. Even though some things needed a change, we really like our strong colour scheme, so we were very keen to keep the green in the logo. Another important thing we wanted to say about ourselves is that we are extremely customer-friendly The white crescent represents a smile and the star (or the "ting", as we call it), just adds to the effect. Both Amazon and Argos have "smiles" in their logos and we liked the idea too!"

Mandy Heyes, robinsons' Operations Manager agreed, but also admitted that a new logo will cause her lots of problems:

"Our old logo is on virtually everything we have, so to update that is a huge task. It's only when you think about it, you realise how many things it appears on. We'll need new Mail Order sacks, new stationary, new signs on the store front. Our vehicles will also have to be sign-written again. Despite all the extra work, it will be worthwhile and I'm looking forward to having everything updated."

If you want a new catalogue email or telephone 01744 885555


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