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shm Casts Spotlight On Pedigree Horses

Horse lovers with an eye for a good buy will find shm Smith Hodgkinson's latest sale spot on.

The valuation and sales specialist will be auctioning 29 prize-winning Appaloosa and spotted horses at the Capitall Stud, Sceuthmyre, Southwaite, near Carlisle.

Many of the horses to be auctioned on Saturday 1 June are winners in stock, hand, and show ring competitions, while others have been sired by champion stallions. All breeds offered in the sale are recognised by the Spotted Horse & Pony Society (SHAPS), Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHCUK), and British Spotted Pony Society (BSpPS).

The horses will be available for inspection from 10 am on the day of the auction. Selling starts at midday.

Norman Duckworth of shm Smith Hodgkinson commented: "This auction is quite an unusual one, and it offers a marvellous opportunity for horse lovers. We are delighted to have the opportunity to sell these superb horses, and are sure they will attract a lot of interest."

For further information on this auction and a catalogue, please contact shm's Preston office at 69 Garstang Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 1LB, tel: 01772 555403.


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