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horse Catherine Boettcher and Randy Sherman Lead Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series West Conference Following Blenheim Events

Tampa, FL – May 3, 2002 – After the first two exciting events in the West Conference, Catherine Boettcher and Randy Sherman stand atop the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series Leader Board. The series kicked off in February and runs through November, culminating in the Series’ first-ever Year-End Championship at the National Horse Show.

In the first competition of the year for the West Conference, held during the Oaks Blenheim Beach Cities Horse Show in San Juan Capistrano, CA on March 30, Amateur-Owner rider Catherine Boettcher came home with the win aboard Cordella B.Boettcher also took second place with Cardiff to put her in first and third respectively in the Amateur-Owner Division of the West Conference Series’ Standings. Third in the class went to Amateur-Owner rider Custis Ferguson with Gladiator. Junior rider Randy Sherman placed fourth with Pacini, to put him in first place in the Junior Division of the West Conference Series’ Standings. This is the first year the Show Jumping Hall of Fame is offering separate series for Amateur-Owner and Junior riders.

On April 6, Amateur-Owner rider Dana Bombace-Levin and Blackmail came up victorious at the Oaks Blenheim Spring Classic in San Juan Capistrano, CA.Second went to Yuko Itakura aboard Glenn 93 and third went to Boettcher aboard Cordella B.

The Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series, which is sponsored in part by a grant from the National Horse Sports Foundation, holds classes at 51 horse shows across the country. The Series is designed to give Amateur-Owner and Junior riders an opportunity to compete at higher levels and serves as a proving ground for many riders who aspire to someday represent the United States in international competition.

For more information about the 2002 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series, including a series schedule, please visit the Show Jumping Hall of Fame website at

The 2002 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series Leader Board, sponsored by Kinloch Enterprises Inc., Gotham Enterprises, and Mr. and Mrs. William Van Dyke, appears below:

2002 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series West Conference Standings

Amateur-Owner Division

Horse Rider Points
1. Cordella Catherine Boettcher     43
2. BlackMail Dana Bombace-Levin 30
3T. Glenn 93 Yuko Itakura 22
3T. Cardiff Catherine Boettcher 22

Junior Division

Horse Rider Points
1. Pacini Randy Sherman 16
2. Odessa Katy Brandes 3

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