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A Competitive Edge For Horses

Swentana has a theory about competitive equestrian animals in that they can, like us humans, give more once their personal energy is addressed as a separate issue. She has already proven this fact with humans and now she wants to show horse owners and trainers that her “energizing” techniques can enhance the animal’s strength and mental vitality. Her approach has already proven itself in horse competitions---current users refer to it as “acupuncture without needles.”

Swentana has two offices Columbia, Maryland. She preaches, “all competitive animals have energy blockages in their bodies due to stress, bad diets, injuries, illnesses, etc.” Her treatment (she does not need to touch the horse during the session) helps these energy blockages dissipate. Unlike other treatments, her Bioenery treatment addresses the entire body of the horse---not just a limb or sectional problem.

Swentana is now offering competitive horse operations a free demonstration of her service which is valued at $95. If you are interested in her unique story contact her at:


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