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AHA Strategic Plan Underway

The Arabian Horse Association (AHA) has hired Management Advisors, Inc., Greenwood Village, Colo., to assist with the development of a strategic plan and governance study for the new AHA. The consulting group was hired as part of the Merger Agreement that created AHA by combining the Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc. and the International Arabian Horse Association.

Article VII of the Merger Agreement states that AHA "shall retain one or more firms to conduct an independent governance study and develop a strategic plan in order to determine the best governance structure for Arabian Horse Association."

"This is extremely significant and will have a far-reaching and positive impact on the Arabian horse industry," says AHA President Bill Hughes. "We hope that all members can be as forthcoming as possible with whatever questions are asked," says AHA Vice President Bob Fauls. "We need this information to become more effective at representing the needs of our customers."

Management Advisors, Inc. has begun the process already by conducting in-depth interviews with AHA staff members. They will also seek input through surveys and interviews with current and past members as well as those involved with committees, commissions and specific disciplines. They will lead a focus group with the AHA Board of Directors at the May board meeting and deliver a final report at the August board meeting. Recommendations regarding governance changes will be brought to the Board of Directors for discussion and evaluation and to the convention delegates for approval no later than the 2004 convention and possibly earlier.

The Governance Committee, which evolved from the Mediation Team that negotiated the merger, is composed of Bill Hughes, Bob Fauls, Henry Metz, Howard Pike, Van Jacobsen, Tom Connelly, Alan Sankpill and Barbara Burck. They will oversee the project and receive periodic reports from the consultants. The Committee will conduct conference calls every two weeks to monitor the process and will use broadcast e-mails, letters, press releases and Arabian Horse Magazine to keep the Arabian horse community informed.

Management Advisors, Inc is a Denver-based management consulting firm founded in 1983. Prior clients served include the Colorado Association of Realtors, Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses, American Animal Hospital Association and National Endowment for Financial Education.

AHA is a 40,000 member equine association that registers and maintains a database of more then one million Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses. It administers more than $4 million in annual prize money, produces national events, maintains official event records, recognizes more than 400 Arabian horse shows and distance rides and provides activities and programs that promote breeding and ownership. For information about Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses, call 303-696-4500, e-mail or visit


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