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horse The British Horse Society dares you to try the Mongolian Camel Challenge 9-19 September 2004

Are you up for a challenge? - a brand new venture! You don't even need to be a rider!

The British Horse Society is offering a rare and unique opportunity for you to raise money for BHS Welfare and experience the Gobi Desert from the back of a camel.

This Camel Challenge includes five days riding on two-humped camels through desert steppes and sand dunes, experiencing real Mongolian nomadic life and culture. You will be sleeping in tents and living a nomadic Mongolian lifestyle sharing their culture and homeland.

Take up this Challenge, escape into the Gobi Desert and travel through the land of the dinosaurs.

Your free time at the end of the event allows you to visit the Ganden Monastery, Bogdo Khan Palace Museum and the Natural History Museum.

To take part in this unique challenge all you have to do is pay a registration fee of £300 and raise a minimum of £2500 for British Horse Society Welfare. For further information on this and other Challenge rides please contact Wendy Minor on 08701 299992, email or visit


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