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Controversial Scientific Evidence on Animal Feelings to be Presented at London Conference

New evidence for how animals use body language and psychic awareness

Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) Trust is hosting a controversial scientific conference in London this Saturday 10 May on the subject of animal awareness, emotions and intentions.

The conference, Understanding Animals, is designed to provoke debate into how much animals' feelings and emotional states should be considered in today's culture.

Including academic speakers from Oxford, Bristol, Lancaster, London and Edinburgh Universities, and the Scottish Agricultural College, the conference will explore animals' inner feelings and motivations and raise questions about society's treatment of animals.

Featuring among the speakers will be Dr Francoise Wemelsfelder (Scottish Agricultural College) who will discuss animal body language and will be exploring the psycho-physical nature of animals, and Dr Rupert Sheldrake who will be exploring the scientific evidence for the unexplained perceptive powers of animals.

Dr Jacky Turner, CIWF Trust Research Director, said "The subject of animal sentience is particularly relevant since society relies upon animals for food, companionship, entertainment and service. We have an obligation to understand more about their feelings and thoughts to ensure we are not abusing our position as the more dominant species".

This conference follows last week's major revelations by the Royal Society that fish feel pain - a finding that will have an impact on the way fish are treated for farming and sport.

The conference is accompanied by a new report on Farm Animal Sentience and an original web site totally focussed on animal sentience,, both published by CIWF Trust.



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