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Dressage - Irish Rider In The Money - Barzago CDI*** Italy 24th May 2003

Senior Irish international rider Anna Merveldt-Steffens has been in the money on the first two days (23rd and 24th May 2003) of the international dressage show in Barzago, Italy.

On the opening day of the show (Friday 23rd May 2003) she placed 9th in the Prix St Georges class with Hera III on a score of 65.75%. The class was won by German rider Alexandra Simmons de Ridder riding Wellington with a score of 69.95%.

Today (Saturday 24th May 2003) Merveldt-Steffens placed 5th in the Intermediare I class again on Hera III scoring 65.85%. British rider Carl Hester riding Santas won this class with a score of 68.95%. In the Grand Prix class this afternoon at the Italian venue Anna placed 4th with Fosbury (65.58%) with Emma Hindle from Great Britain taking first place on a score of 67.71% with Wie Weltmeyer.

Irish rider Heike Holstein competes in the Intermediare II class tomorrow morning (Sunday 25th May 2003) with Welt Adel and later in the afternoon Anna Merveldt-Steffens rides Hera III in the Intermediare I Kur (Freestyle to Music) and Fosbury in the Grand Prix Kur.


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